Chapter 30

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Rose had to wait for quite some time before Fred came running down the stairs.When he saw her, his eyes widened at her outfit. He ran over anyways, picking her up and then swinging her around as he hugged her.

She laughed before finally allowing Fred to settle her back down on the ground. She was then pulled into seperate hugs by the other Weasleys.
It wasn't surprising since it was the first time the family were seeing her ever since the Infirmary situation.
She laughed as everyone welcomed her, however caught Fred staring at her.

"Fred, eyes off of Rose." George joked.
"My eyes aren't on her." Fred lied.
"No. They're on her chest." Ginny smirked, walking past.
This caused both Rose and Fred to blush.

"We missed you." Fred spoke, changing the subject.
"It's good. I missed you all too." She smiled.
"We thought you died that night." Percy explained.
"Well I guess hanging out with Harry and his group can make you think that." She shrugged.
"Where is your brother?" George asked.
"He got locked in his room. Our Uncle and Aunt said he won't be aloud to go to school this year. Bet he will go though." She shrugged.

"Oh, okay." Fred nodded, looking at George and Ron.
"Rose, why don't you head upstairs? Fred, help her up. I'm sure she's not fully over the issue at Hogwarts." Mrs Weasley spoke.

Fred nodded, gently wrapping his hand around her waist before carefully helping her up the many stairs. He went all the way up to his own room, which had two similar beds inside.
Percy walked inside moments later, sort of annoyed. However he slightly smiled when seeing Rose sat on Fred's bed.

"I got asked to get her a bed in here. She'll be sleeping in here tonight." Percy explained, waving his wand causing a matress to form next to Fred's bed.
"Thanks Percy." Fred nodded, putting Rose's bags and everything near the twins' wardrobes.

"Thanks Fred." Rose spoke.
"It's no problem. Let me make your bed for you." He smiled, moving over to her bed, sorting out the blankets and everything.
She smiled and walked over to the bed, sitting down onto it.
It was late in the evening so she wasn't too shocked when the twins went to go get changed for bed. She changed into a pair of shorts and a sports bra.
She would usually wear a cropped hoodie, but it was slightly too warm.

When Fred walked back in, she smiled towards him. He was wearing some red and yellow blocked pants with strings at the top, making them somewhat tight around his waist. He however didn't have a shirt on.
She however started to wonder why Molly let her stay in the boy's room. Mainly because when she came 2 years ago, she was 12, she had to stay with Ginny or in the spare bedroom. She guessed Molly was allowing it since she was a teenager now.

"It's time for bed. You need anything before we head off to bed?" Fred asked.
"No, I'm good. I can always head downstairs if I need anything." She smiled.
"Alright, have a good night's sleep." He smiled, kissing her forehead. He then got into his own bed as George walked in, getting into bed.
Everyone laid in silence and Darkness. She however fell asleep much before the twins.

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