Chapter 40

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Rose instantly rushed into his arms, crying slightly about seeing her uncle once again.
"Uncle Moony..." She sniffled. "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too cub... Sorry for running off on you. I couldn't handle seeing Lily in you and James in Harry... Knowing I may have been able to save them..." he spoke.
"I..." She looked at him.
"Anything you should inform me about? You're fifteen now.. Any boyfriends?" Remus smirked. "Or Girlfriends? I'm not straight." He shrugged.
"Are you serious?" She laughed.
"No, but you do have an uncle Sirius." He winked.
"I missed you so much..." She smiled.
"Me too kiddo." Remus hugged her.

"Rose has been sleeping with Mr Fred Weasley." Severus smirked.
"Sleeping? as in baby making or just sleeping?" Remus asked.
"Woah! Woah! Woah! Calm it! Only sleeping! We aren't even dating yet!" She explained.
"I have to do that talk with her soon then..." Remus sighed.
"Snape is here if you need help explaining." Dumbledore smirked.
"Two men teaching me that. Odd." She laughed.
"Make it 3. Heard Sirius would be here for that." Remus grinned.

"I'm fifteen and you think I'm innocent?" She asked.
"We'd hope so." Snape sighed.
"Not quite as innocent as a flower, Snape." She grinned.

Snape and Remus were speaking with her for a bit before she saw Fred waiting for her outside the greathall.

Without noticing the two men watching, she ran into Fred's arms. Both of them instantly whispering about how much they would miss each other.
That then followed by Fred suddenly grabbing her chin and kissing her. Not on the forehead or the cheek... But on the lips.

"I was uh... Meant to ask you this on your Birthday, but of course you got into that issue with your brother... But... Will you date me? I understand if you don't want to but..." Fred looked down.
"Of course I'll date you." She smiled before hugging him, letting themselves kiss again.

Remus smiled at the girl while Severus denied in his mind, the tear of joy running down his cheek.

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