Chapter 11

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Rose had everything packed away, which was why she was thankful she didn't take everything out when she arrived home. That would have led to a tedious task.
She then left, taking the Night Bus to go to the Burrow. (Remember)

When Rose arrived, she walked inside the Burrow and was instantly greeted warmly by a female.

"You must be Rose! The boy's have spoken so greatly of you." The women grinned, shaking her hand and pulling her tightly into a hug.
"You must be Molly." Rose smiled slightly.
"Yes I am. The boy's are upstairs in their bedrooms. I'm sure Ron and Ginny are up there too. You must be fine with kids, though. I mean, you live with Harry." Molly explained.
"Oh! And before I forget, Severus will be coming to take me two days before the start of Hogwarts." Rose quickly explained.
"That's fine, Dear." Molly grinned.

Rose headed upstairs and soon found the twins bedroom. She saw a young boy, around Harry's age and a young girl, who seemed a little younger.

"Hey, boys." She smiled at the two taller males who instantly rushed to her and hugged her. She squeeled as she hugged them back.

"We missed you." Fred and George spoke.
They soon stopped before the two younger children in the room seemed to glance over at them.

"You're Rose! The one Percy and the twins kept talking about." The young girl stated.
"That's me. And who are you two?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'm Ron." The young boy spoke.
"And I'm Ginny." The young female smiled.

The group had a lot of fun during the week. Consisting of practicing for the Quiditch Try Outs.
However, on the 5th day... Something seemed to change. Something that wasn't a good thing at all.

Rose had woken up, finding out that she could barely even move.
She was currently in a spare bedroom after Ginny had a small accident in her room and had to sleep in Percy's room. So she was in a guest bedroom. However, a spell, casted by Molly, meant no one would be walking inside anytime soon.

She lifted her arm to her face, unbothered as she smacked herself in the face.
"Sn-Snape..." She mumbled, her body exhausted as she simply fell asleep.

Snape's View

Snape was sorting out thing's for Rose for when she arrived at his 'home' at the end of the holidays. It was a room that she would get to stay in until they returned back to Hogwarts for the year.
It was also for Rose to develop her Potions skills a bit further.

He was however interupted by his watch glowing. It attatched to Rose's bracelet and that meant, that she was in trouble.
Understanding she was at the Burrow, this confused him as it was safe there.
He apparated there anyways and then knocked on the door, allowing for it to be answered almost instantly.

"Ah, Snape. You're a day early for Rose." Molly explained. "She's not awake yet." She added.
"Have you or any of the children seen her this morning?" Severus questioned.
"No, we haven't. Shes staying in the small guest room at the moment. Only Mom and Ginny have access to it." Fred spoke from where he was sat on the sofa, probably waiting for Rose to wake up and spend some time with him.

"Well, in simple knowledge. Rose called for me to say she needed help from me." Severus quickly explained.
"I can take you to her room, but I asure you, Severus, the poor girl was probably just exhausted." Molly smiled.

They got to the room and Severus told Molly that he would be quick. He walked in the room, closing the door after himself just in case the scene wasn't a good sight. He didn't want Molly to see anything that would traumatize her. Either way, Severus could hear her rushing away, calling for her husband, Arthur.

Severus glanced at Rose, realising instantly why she had called for him. She had a flushed face, and it was clear that she was unwell.
Severus sighed, knowing she had been on the Night Bus recently and had possibly caught whatever she had, from being on the uncleaned bus.

"Rose, come on. Wake up." Severus told her, shaking her slightly.
Her eyes opened, which led to her needing a minute before realising that Snape was there.

"Sev... W-Why're you here... You're e-early..." She grumbled.
"You called for me.. Did you forget?" Snape asked, he began worrying that she might be more ill than she currently seems.
"Sorry..." She mumbled, closing her eyes again as she fell back asleep.

Severus sighed softly, gently lifting her into his arms. He then left the Burrow after explaining everything to Molly and Arthur.
He then took her to his own mansion as promised to her earlier.

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