Chapter 48

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Rose walked through the coridoors, slightly cold due to the lack of clothing for the sort of teperature.
Either way, she got to her uncles office, knocking on the door before entering.
She sat Severus and Reus sat next to one another, drinking tea.

"Tea, cub?" Remus asked.
"Coffee, please." She smiled.

Coffee appeared infront of her as she sat down on the sofa. She then pulled a blanket which had been on the seat arm, putting it over herself.

"You didn't need to rush. You could have changed." Severus told her.
"Nah, it's fine. When I get back atleast I don't need to change again." Rose shrugged.
"THat's fine. But if this takes too long, you'll stay here for the night. We don't want an issue with Black, now do we?" Severus questioned.
"No... I guess not." She mumbled, looking down.
"What's wrong cub?" Remus questioned her.
"I'm kinda use to sleeping with Fred." She shrugged.
"We'll see how long this takes." Remus smiled softly.

Rose nodded, picking up her coffee and drinking some.

They were talking for a while about relationships and studies. Maining on how Rose was turning 16 very soon.
Severus checked the time a bit later before turning to Rose.
"Sorry, you cant go back to your dorm." He sighed.
"Uncle Moony can take me... He knows where the dorm is." She spoke.
"I'll take her, Severus." Remus explained. Severus just nodded, heading to his chambers.
Remus walked Rose to the Gryffindor tower, walking inside with her.

"Off to bed, Rose. I will see you in the morning for lesson." He smiled softly to her.
"Night Moony." She smiled before going up to the boy's dorms. Everyone was already asleep so she got into Fred's bed, cuddling to him.

In the morning, Rose woke up slightly early.
Rose got out of the Gryffindor tower and instantly went for a run. She ran laps around the Quiditch Feild, however stopped as Remus and Severus got infront of her, corssed arms.

"Ah, hello there... Sev... Moony..." She mumbled.
"You forgot to tell us where you were going." Severus spoke.
"It's for a run, I do that daily." She rolled her eyes.
"So? Sirius Black is on the loose. We don't want you getting hurt." Remus explained.
"I need to sort something out. One moment." Severus said, rushing off.

"What were you thinking?" Remus questioned.
"Not much, But I do have the Marauders map. I'm not going to get caught." She sighed.
"You didn't notice us coming so clearly you dont check it enough." He rolled his eyes.
"I.. I'm sorry." She looked down.
"It's alright Rose. But next time, come down with someone else. I don't mind if it's Fred. Just not Harry. Both of you together is not a good idea at all. We dont want you both getting in danger at once." He explained, motioning for her to return to the castle.

"Wait... Remus. Can you stay for a bit? I need to finish my run." She spoke.
"Fine, pass me the map." Remus sighed, letting her hand the map to him.

She finished her run before being given back the map. Reus wasn't that fussed.
They soon got back to Hogwarts and Rose changed into her uniform.
She then went to the feast with Fred and George. She ate some toast with avacado. She didn't like avacado, but it was edible and it filled her up enough.

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