Chapter 6

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Rose was rather uncomfortable about the whole... Situation. Especially when the other students began walking onto the train.
The Robe that Snape had given her when they met, she had now put on, She decided that the safer option was to keep it on and then remove it when she gets sorted.

When she glanced up, she saw her owl, holding a sort of package. She grabbed it, watching her owl fly away the moment it was able to.
Rose opened the package and found a bracelet inside. It had a lovely rose on it, a sort of button.
She grabbed the note and read it to herself.

Dear Rose,

Sorry I have only just sent this letter despite only just leaving. This is a bracelet that I had made for you.
The rose represents you. Whenever you need help, you can call me.

Remember. Be careful with who you trust.


She smiled at the bracelet before sliding it onto her hand. It seemed to downsize when she put it on her wrist. Probably so it wouldn't fall off.

"Hello." She heard a voice to the side where the door was. She looked over and saw twin males.
"Hello." She answered, ensuring her face was covered.

She of course noticed these twins sitting down. Of course Rose was one of the worst around new people so she felt her anxiety somewhat peak. That's when she noticed a warm feeling coming from the bracelet Snape had gifted her. She took a deep breath before looking back at the twins.

"You alright? You seemed to have zoned out on us a bit there." One of the twins spoke.
"I'm fine, thank you for the concern. Sorry but I forgot what you said, can you repeat it?" She asked.
"Well, I'm Fred Weasley." One of the twins spoke. It was the one who had shown concern to her.
"And I'm George Weasley." The other explained.
"But, we asked who you were." Fred smiled.
"I-I'm Rose." She spoke, not wanting to say her last name due to what Snape had said.
"Last name?" George tried to encourage.
"I'd prefer not to say..." She smiled, looking down at her lap.
"That's fine." Fred told her.

They ended up becoming quite good friends and despite not wanting to show her face, she did explain she was called Rosealine.
They thankfully comforted her through her small issue of Motion Sickness.

They got on the boats and went up to Hogwarts.

George and Fred were sorted into Gryffindor. But she then found her name to be right at the end of everyone's.

"Potter Rosealine." Minerva spoke outloud.

She sighed and walked up.
"Robe, Miss Potter." Minerva reminded.

Rose removed the hood, revealing to the school how she had aged. She then sat down on the stool, allowing Minerva to place the hat onto her head.

"Rosealine Potter... Much like your mother but far more like your father... You care for those you love while being brave enough to stand up for your family. You show great wonder and great possibility for life. Yet, so soon to take the role of Lady Potter." He explained. He was silent for a moment. "Perhaps Slytherin... No, no... You are far too kind, but not enough for Hufflepuff. Smart yes, but not enough to drag you to Ravenclaw. Gryffindor... yes... That's it." The hat explained.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled to the room.

Minerva removed the sorting hat before motioning to the Gryffindor table. Rosealine of course walked over, ignoring the huge cheering before sitting in the middle of Fred and George.

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