Chapter 28

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Rose was bored, sat on the bed. Apparently, her body would keep shaking a bit due to the curse, so she had been told to try and stay sat down. So that she didn't fall down.

She of course hated this, but knew she had to. As soon as everyone got on the train and or left to get on the train, Severus apparated her home and helped her to the door. The Dursleys looked confused however waited for Rose to take a seat.

"What happened?" Petunia questioned, almost instantly when she was comfortable.
"Rose was hit with a spell just two days ago. She might need some help around for a day or so until the shaking stops or goes down a bit." Severus explained.
"Right. Thank you." Petunia spoke, waving Severus out of the door.

"Sorry about that Aunt Petunia..." Rose sighed.
"Come on, lets take you up to your bedroom. Vernon has gone to pick up Harry and Dudley." Petunia explained, helping Rose up the stairs.
"Thank you Aunt Petunia..." Rose smiled.

They got into Rose's room and Petunia put her belonging's away. Apparently Harry's belonging's would get locked away. Either way, she got to bed when Petunia left, instantly falling asleep.

When Rose next woke up, it was to a knock at the attic door. She sighed, rubbing her forehead before slowly sitting up.
"Come in." She spoke.

The door opened and the two boys walked in. Harry and Dudley. She smiled towards them.

"Hey Rose, feeling better?" Harry asked.
"I do feel better, thank you Harry." She smiled.

"You look really pale." Dudley pointed out.
"It's nothing, Dudley. Just getting over a cuse." She shrugged.
"That's what it's doing towards you..." Dudley sighed.
"Boy's.. Perhaps we should leave Rose alone. Her teacher says she needs plenty of rest to make sure she can get over it." Petunia told them.

The boy's nodded. Dudley left but Harry remained a moment.
"I hope you get better soon. I'm sorry for causing this..." He sighed before leaving. She sighed at that, understanding her brother had a reason to say tht. He had gotten her into the situation after all. But she couldn't hate him for that.

Either way, Rose went back to bed and woke up again when it was a bit later. Tea time. She carefully got up, groaning slightly at the aching in her bones. She headed downstairs and into the dining room where everyone turned to look at her.

"Rose, you're meant to be resting. We could have brought the food up for you." Petunia explained.
"It's good. I'm feeling better." She smiled, sitting down at her usual seat.
"Well, it's a good time to tell you that we have guests over tomorrow evening." Vernon explained quickly.
"Who's coming, Uncle Vernon?" Rose questioned.
"My boss and his wife. We need to make a good impression, I'm trying to get a promotion." He explained.
"I guess I'll be staying upstairs then." Harry sighed.
"That would be for the best." Petunia spoke.
"Shall I stay up too? Perhaps it would be best if it's just your family." She told him.

"No, you will be staying downstairs with us. You can meet them. Surely you will put a good impression on them." Vernon explained.
"Rose, you are a true Beauty. You will make a lovely impression on Vernon's boss." Petunia smiled to her.
"Alright." She sighed, nodding.

They all had their dinner before going to sleep for tomorrow.

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