Chapter 52

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Rose quickly got up to the Great Hall, waiting for a bit before the Weasley twins came over. Fred instantly grabbed her, pulling her into a hug as he gently kissed her forehead.

"Where did you go last night? I was worried." Fred spoke.
"I was moved into Snape's Chambers for the night. Apparently it was too dangerous for me to be sleeping in the Great Hall with everyone." She shrugged.
"That makes sense, your hair is quite noticable." Fred sighed softly.
"That's what Severus said." She laughed.
"Come on, let's get you some food." Fred spoke, taking hold of her hand and guiding her inside.

"How was sleeping on the floor?" Rose asked.
"It was okay. I'm sure there were some charms on the sleeping bags so they were somewhat comfortable." Fred explained, placing some fruit and toast on her plate before moving to do his own food.

Either way, the twins and Rose sat eating together. However, Rose didn't speak about Sirius at all.

Rose explained to Fred she needed some time, so she went for a walk before DADA.

She was walking for a bit, she walked over to Sirius who was sat as his dog self.

"Padfoot... You have something to explain to me." She spoke, sitting with him as he turned back into himself.
"I'm sorry about what happened... The Fat Lady... She just wouldn't let me inside." Sirius explained.
"No offense, Paddy. But you shouldn't have done that. What would have happened if Hogwarts was closed for our safety?" She asked.
"I guess.. I don't know." Sirius looked down.
"You know... I've been trying my hardest to protect Harry since he was younger. Do you not understand when you do things this stupid, I am unable to protect him?" She questioned.

"I understand and I am sorry, Rose." He explained.
"If you can manage till my birthday... I will have a meeting with the Minister." She sighed.
"What do you mean?" Sirius questioned.
"I get the title of Lady Potter this year." She told him.
"You'll try to get me free?" Sirius spoke, shocked.
"I can try. I must get going. I have a lesson." She spoke, getting up.
"I will see you soon, Rose." Sirius spoke as she left.

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