Chapter 45

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A little sister...And a big brother. All Hina believed all these years had been a lie. A lie her own quirk has told her.

She can't really comprehend the fact that she has been hating her own family. She has been wanting to kill you because of a simple accident caused by her own power.

She believes Dabi; he has no reason to lie to her, especially after she finally has him back. The little boy who would always shield her from the cold winter nights is in her life again and she can't be more happy than this.

There are things that need to be fixed, though. She has done enough damage to your memories and her brother probably already knows she is in the League, so he only sees her as a villain.

She needs to find them both and fix everything, even if returning their memories is impossible she needs to try.

"The number three hero himself?" She asks, sitting on the bed with her feet crisscrossed, fidgeting with her fingers. "That'll be tough."

"I suggest we go for your sister first," Dabi says, laid down next to her. "Hawks won't be easy to approach."

"Yeah, I know." She lays her hand on her palm. "But how are we gonna find her? They are spread into different cities for their internships. She could be anywhere." She lets out a frustrating sigh, covering her face with her palms. "Why does my life have to be so complicated?"

Dabi opens his eyes to look at her almost immediately after she says that sentence. It made him think that she's right but that is only because of her quirk. It's not her fault she couldn't control her quirk, just like he wasn't born with a body capable of handling his fire. They are the same yet so different.

He is really curious to know what exactly happened to her after he "died" but unfortunately he can't ask Hina about it. The only people who probably know are...

"I have an idea," She raises her head, waiting for Dabi to speak. He sits up on the bed, thinking for a couple of seconds before sharing his idea with her. "You want to know what happened after I disappeared, right?" She nods. "And your sister's-"

"Spill, Dabi."

"It's a little risky-"

"Just say it!"

"The only ones who might have the info you want are Minori and Asami," She frowns, shaking her head lightly as if she needs more to understand. "The people who trained us back at the commission."

"No, I know who they are, I just...Are you insane?" She asks, narrowing her eyes. "Don't answer that, you're a psychopath but what the fuck? We might as well surrender ourselves and spill all of the League's information."


"I thought about them but you want to break into the commission?"


"Fuck that, I'm not stepping my foot-"

"Hina!" He snaps his fingers in front of her face, like he usually does.

"What!?" She pushes his hand away aggressively.

"We're going to their house. Not the fucking commission."

"Oh." She pauses to think about it for a few seconds. "Still, they are probably looking for me, Dabi."

"They won't do shit to you."

Awfully confident for someone who is also wanted by the commission.

What a great idea to visit her little sister's adoptive parents aka their trainers who no doubt have orders to take them back there or take them to prison for all they know.

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