Chapter 23

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"You made a big mistake, bird brain." Challenging Bakugo may not have been the best idea, but it is true that you look up to him. It's only natural that he is a worthy opponent for you. Him getting pissed off—though expected—was not on the plan; let alone yell at you like that. It was like he threatened you with those last words. "If you think you're better than me, that I'm weak in front of you, guess again."

Confusion spreads all over your features making your what-the-fuck-are-you-saying face visible enough for him.

"Katsuki, I-" He walked past you, purposely bumping on your shoulder and you sigh. "That's not what I'm trying to do here."

"Moving on to the second round!" Midnight was heard as soon as he left. You were dying to know what it'll be next and see if you were right earlier about first place. Next round should be good. "This round will be a cavalry battle with the top 42 from the qualifier. Those at the top will suffer more. You'll hear this many times as you attend U.A. This is what "Plus Ultra" means! Izuku Midoriya, who placed first in the qualifier, is worth ten million points!"

Oh boy. Seems like things will be tough for Izuku in this round.

"Here are the rules. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members' points, and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So, the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even your headband gets stolen, or if your team falls, you're not out!"

So that means...Since there are 42 people there will be ten or twelve teams on the field the whole time. You have to think really hard who you're going to team up with. Your wings can protect the headband from getting stolen by covering them, unless it is allowed to use quirks, which you assumed it will be.

Everyone will go after Izuku for his ten million points—the same goes for you, which is why you're not planning on joining forces with him—but that doesn't mean no one will go after you. You tied for third place with Katsuki; both of you are worth 200 points, and because you are worth the sum of everyone in your team's scores, you can only move higher. You might be targeted by a team with little points.

"During the game, it'll be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks," Figured. "But it is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You'll be removed immediately!" You heard a "tch" coming from Katsuki which made you laugh just a little. "Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!"

You glanced over at Izuku. As expected, the boy was already strategizing in his little brain to form a team. As for Katsuki, it seems like most of our classmates want to team up with him.


Now for your case. You'll be the rider, so all you need is three people to be your horses. Since your wings can cover almost all of your body, they can protect your points and you can still attack. So, you need someone who can steal the headbands from a distance. That person would be-

"Asui, team up with me!"

"Hm?" she turned around to the call of her name. "Sorry, Y/n, but I already teamed up with Shoji and Mineta."

Your eyes opened wide as soon as she spelled the last name. "Are you...sure?" you said, as you glanced at Mineta, forming a disgusted face. "You really don't want to team up with someone who will not drool while staring at you during the whole game?"

"I'll be fine, Y/n."

Damn it. You shrugged your shoulders with a sigh. "As you wish. Good luck," you pat her shoulder, pointing to Mineta with your thumb. "You'll need it."

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