Chapter 61

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5 Minutes Earlier

"Hina," Bird brain's brother pulls his sister to the side. "You two get out of here. The police have surrounded this place; Endeavor is-"

"I ain't goin' anywhere," I growl, turning to the scarred fucker, reading myself to fuckin' kill him. "You hurt her."

Dabi. He's the asshole who hurt her right in front of my eyes and my pathetic ass couldn't do anything. How the hell am I even going to face her when I go back to her? I'm supposed to protect her!

Brainwiper—as much as I hate to admit it—helped me get out there. I could've blasted that damn door to hell, weren't for those fuckin' cuffs preventing me from using my quirk. I can easily escape now, with all these heroes surrounding the place, but my body doesn't want to.

I don't want to. I want to blow this bitch into a million pieces. I couldn't get out of that fucking marble, all I could do was watch her get burned. Those cries of pain...I'll always remember them, probably haunt me in my sleep, too.

If I'm being honest with myself, I was scared I would never get out of here, never see her again. But I was stupid for thinking that for even a second.

I will make sure she never ever feels pain again. She will never let those screams out again.

"Huh?" Dabi tilts his head, acting like he doesn't know what I'm sayin'. He bends down to the masked dude, burning the feathers that hold him down. "I've hurt many people, you gotta be more specific, kiddo."

"Ya gonna pay for even touchin' her!" I ain't gonna sit here and listen to his bullshit. I let a blast that flies me directly at him, having my right arm ready to make his scars worse. "Oi!" Before I could even touch him, her brother pulled me back. "Stay outta this, bird br- damn it, stay outta this!"

"Bakugo, I know you're angry-"

"Shuddap, Spoonbill! You two..." He especially shouldn't be this calm. I know he knows what Dabi did to her, so why the fuck is he acting like nothing happened to her!? "You of all people should be angrier than me! Yer her fuckin' brother! She is in the hospital, isn't she!? Ya saw her covered in burns, didn't ya!?"

He's pissing me off. His face is irritating me, it's like he doesn't care at all about her, so fuckin' nonchalant!

"Letting my anger out will only affect the operation negatively," He says, not bothering to even give me a glance. "Besides...There's something else I need to take care of."

"Mister, take her and the kid," Patchwork says, igniting flames from both his hands. "I have other business to attend to." He smiles creepily towards her brother.

I got no clue of what kind of vendetta these two have but I ain't leavin' this place till I beat the fuck outta patchwork.

"Ya have business with me first, asshole!" I say while running.

I jump with one explosion, aim with both hands and fire one at him and one at the masked freak. He dodged, as I thought he would, giving me the opportunity to release another blast that caught him off guard.

Patchwork is not paying attention to me, though. He sends his flames towards spoonbill, who barely dodges them. The fire burned some of his side feathers.

"Bakugo!" Her sister catches me the moment I land on the ground again. "You can't fight him, he's too strong! All these heroes are here to save you-"

"I don't need saving!" I think I hurt her when I pulled away from her but my blood is boiling just at the sight of this man, I can't even think straight. I am not going to leave without blasting every inch of his body. "I was fine by myself and don't think I owe ya anythin' for unlocking a damn door, okay ya brainwiper!?"

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