Chapter 12

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Location: U.A. High School

Time: Combat Training

Bakugo's quirk allows him to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from his palms and ignite it on command, allowing him to generate powerful explosions. As a result, the more he sweats, the stronger his explosions become. His forearms begin to hurt if he uses it too much.

So, you had to either keep him from moving too much, which was tough, or force him to go over his limit and give you an opportunity to strike.

'Let's try keeping him stable first.'

You were directly in front of Bakugo, flapping your wings and holding your sharp feather swords, this time with the aim to really strike him, as you converted your blades to steel.

He blew himself up and launched an explosion towards you. You transitioned all of your feathers to steel and used your wings as a shield against the explosion, but it was strong enough to force you away.

"You were saying?" he said with his cocky smirk.

'Okay forget keeping him stable. Let's just make him overuse his quirk' Ugh. You wanted to punch that smirk off his face "I'm just getting started."

"I thought you said you were going to beat me." He said "I don't think you're even trying, bird brain."

You scoffed "Ironic."


"You are the one who is not even trying, Bakugo." you deactivated your quirk and opened your wings as wide as possible while you stood up from the floor "My steel didn't even melt a drop and that means you are keeping your blasts at a low temperature, am I right?"

"Tch. I figured I could beat you without even trying, but you're being quite a drag so I'll have to hurt you this time." He said, positioning himself, ready to fight "I have to deal with Deku, too, and you are getting in my way."

"Y/n, don't react or respond! Just pay attention to what I say!" Izuku was heard via your earbuds. "Kirishima is most likely battling Uraraka. I want you to go help her capture Kirishima. With your speed, you're a poor match for him, so you'll be able to finish that swiftly and I'll deal with Kacchan. He absolutely ignored you and Uraraka and went after me back there. If they were going to send an advantage guard, Iida, who has more mobility, would have been a better choice, and I'm sure he knows that. He's simply roaming wild on his own and not cooperating with the others, which is fine for us. I'll be there in a minute, and once there, go to Uraraka. If you succeed, she'll go for the weapon and Iida, and you'll return to me to battle Kacchan together. After all, I'm the one he's looking for. He'll probably won't care about you leaving either. If we're lucky, I'll be able to knot the capture tape while you distract him, but if that doesn't work, carry on as planned!"

"Oi! Don't space out, bird brain!" You didn't even realize Bakugo was that near to you. He threw a punch at you, but you were quick enough to react and avoid it "You think I'm that easy? Focus or else you won't even get a scratch on me."

He must be insane. He wants you to leave him alone with Bakugo? This place is basically a labyrinth. Yes, capturing Kirishima will be quick, but finding him will take time. Even though your feathers can now detect the presence of others, the distance required to locate them is still limited. You must be at least one or two meters away.

But besides that, Bakugo is not just going to let you leave like that when Izuku finds you. Especially when you were the one who challenged him in the first place, and you want this. You want to fight him. Right here, right now.

You raised your hand to touch your earbud to contact Izuku and notify him for the change of plan, but just as you were about to, you saw him right behind Bakugo. He was trying to wrap the capture tape on him but Bakugo noticed. He turned around and blew Izuku away with a blast.

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