Chapter 6 (2007): The birth of rockstars

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It is Saturday morning, you, Dave, and Chipmunks went to the supermarket.

Dave: Okay, new rule. No going out after 9, and not at all unless I know where you're going.

Theodore: Were you worried about us, Dave?

Dave: No, I just need to know, that's all.

Alvin: Wait, if you're not worried, then why do you need to know?

Dave: I need to know, okay?

He goes to get some fruits, until he gets hit in the back of the head by an object.

Dave: Ow, Alvin!

Four of you point at a little girl on the cart throwing items.

Her mother then noticed.

Woman: Oh. Sorry about that.

He helped pick up the items for her.

Dave: Kids, huh?

Woman: Yeah, they keep you on your toes. You have any?

Dave: Four boys.

You waved.

Woman: Well, some days are better than others.

Dave: Some days you just wanna close 'em in a box, leave the box in the park, and run away, you know.

Woman: Oh.

She quickly left

(Y/n): Wrong choice of words, dad.

You look back to see Chipmunks putting boxes of waffles in the cart.

Dave: Guys, what's all this?

Chipmunks: Toaster waffles!

Dave: You know, I can't afford all these toaster waffles

Chipmunks: Aw...

Alvin: What?

(Y/n): In case you didn't know, he doesn't have a job.

The music started playing in the intercom, the same song Dave wrote and you and the Chipmunks sang.

Dave: My song?

Alvin: Alright.

Simon: Yeah.

(Y/n): There it is.

Dave's phone started ringing, as he answers it.

Dave: Hello?


It was Ian Hawke calling him.

Ian: Dave, Dave. Hey. How's my favorite songwriter?


Dave: Ian?

Ian: Tell me you've heard the song.

Dave: I'm listening to it right now, but I mean how did you- when did you-


Ian: Speed of business, baby. That's how we do it. That's how I roll. I got a friend in satellite radio, put it immediate rotation. And that video of your son and the little guys, ten million hits already on YouTube! It's crazy. I gotta go. Hey put some clothes on those three. It's kind of embarrassing.


Dave hanged up.

(Y/n): They convinced me to go with them to Ian, and sing last night.

He looks at them.

Alvin: We owe you, Dave. So we're good with the toaster waffles, right?

Dave was amazed, how his songwriting was a success.


(Start at 0:47)

You have your stratocaster guitar, and Alvin plays his guitar just his size, as the four of your perform.

(Y/n) & Chipmunks: Christmas, Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
We've been good, but we can't last
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast

Want a plane that loops the loop

Alvin: Me I want a hula hoop

(Y/n) & Chipmunks: We can't hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas don't be late, hey

You and Alvin play a solo.

Dave: Guys that was excellent. (Y/n), excellent.

(Y/n): Great.

Dave: Simon, great work.

Simon: Naturally.

Dave: Theodore, good job.

Theodore: Hahaha.

Dave: Alvin, you were a little flat. Watch it. Alvin? ALVIN!

(Y/n) & Alvin: Two, three, four!

(Y/n) & Chipmunks: Christmas, Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
We've been good, but we can't last
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast

Dave made hoodies for the Chipmunks, while you got yourself a black hoodie.

(Y/n) & Chipmunks: We can't hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas don't be late

(Y/n): Don't be late

The song was a big hit. You and the Chipmunks become song artists, with the title "Alvin & the Chipmunks". You guys were No. 1 on Billboard Hot 100. It went worldwide, and everyone are listening to your song.


At night, you and your father set up ornaments on the Christmas tree, while the Chipmunks pass them to you.

Simon hands a toothbrush package.

(Y/n): Toothbrush. Why not.

You set on the tree.

Then it was bedtime, you went to sleep.

Theodore comes in.

Theodore: (Y/n)? Are you awake?

He climbs on to the bed.

You wake up.

(Y/n): What is it, Theodore?

Theodore: I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you?

(Y/n): Sure. Get in.

He tucks himself to the otherside, as you both went to sleep.

Y/n, Alvin & the ChipmunksWhere stories live. Discover now