Chapter 8 (2007): Separation

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You are with your dad, and the Chipmunks, signing autographs. Claire came by.

Claire: Mind if I grab a few pics?

Dave: Claire. Not at all. Fire away.

Claire: Great.

She proceeds taking pictures with her camera.

Claire: I've got a new assignment. I'm covering your rise to fame.

Alvin: Ahem.

He got her attention.

Dave: Oh, this is Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.

Claire: Hello.

She takes pictures of them, as you join in.

Theodore: Hi, Claire.

Alvin steps in.

Alvin: You're hot.

(Y/n): Alvin.

Dave: Forgot you guys have officially met.

You put out index and middle fingers as bunny ears over Alvin, making Clair laugh.

Claire: So Dave. I'm sorry about that night. I really thought that you-

Dave: That I was insane? I totally understand. Talking Chipmunks is a lot to take in over dinner.

(Y/n): Yeah, we thought you would freak out seeing them talk.

Claire: Well look at you now. You got the career. Promising future. Kids. You're like a family.

Alvin: Don't say family in front of Dave. It gives him gas. Like clear the room gas.

Dave: Does not.

Theodore: He doesn't want a family, except he's got (Y/n).

Dave: Why don't you guys play or raid the dessert table or something?

Claire: Don't take it personally, you guys. Some people don't know a good thing when they've got it. Right, Dave?

She then leaves.

(Y/n): That's a good point.

You agreed with her.

Dave stands up.

Dave: Claire.

Alvin: No offense, big guy, but you are not good at this.

(Y/n): You know what, let's just go to the dessert table.

Meanwhile, Dave took a walk around, then Ian came up to him.

Ian: Hey, what do you think of this?

He showed him, a plush Chipmunk of Alvin.

Dave: What is it?

Ian: It's Alvin.

Dave: That looks nothing like Alvin.

Ian: Well yeah, it's a prototype. We'll sell a million of these things. It's voice-activated. Here, say something to it.

Dave then speaks into the Alvin plush.

Dave: Hello, little ugly Alvin doll that looks nothing like Alvin.

The doll then speaks in Japanese.

Ian: See? You love it. It's Spanish.

Dave: You know what? that's just weird.

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