Chapter 25: (Road Chip) Parade Frenzy

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The taxi stops nearby a saloon.

Miles: Come on. Come on. Go.

He and the Chipmunks got out of the taxi after escaping James Suggs.

Miles: Here you go. Thanks so much.

He tipped the driver and the taxi leaves.

Miles: Well, that's as far as my money takes us.

Simon: Which puts us two hours and 30 minutes from Miami.

Miles: Hey!

Alvin: Yes!

Theodore: All right!

Simon: By plane.

Theodore: Oh, come on.

They remembered they were put on the no-flight list.

Alvin: Guys, the party is in three days. We need to get to Miami, fast.

The phone vibrates from his bag.

Simon: And, as if we're not in enough trouble already...

Miles shows Dave calling his phone.

Simon: it's Dave.

Theodore: Oh, man.

Miles: Well, we cannot possibly pick up.

He puts down the phone.

Simon: We have to pick up, or Dave will know something is wrong.

Miles: Dave's gonna know something's wrong when he sees us standing around a bunch of trash cans, in a parking lot in the middle of nowhere.

Simon: Hmm. Good point.


On Dave's phone, Simon was unavalible for FaceTime.

Samantha: Ready to go eat.

Dave: Uh, yeah.

Samantha: Everything okay?

Dave: Let me check on something.


He calls Ms. Price.

Price: Hello?


Dave: Hi, it's Dave. Are you busy?

Price: Oh, hi, Dave.


Price: No, I'm not busy at all. No, I'm just dining with a friend.

She was lounging outside her house with a dog.

Price: What do you need?

She went to his house.

Price: All right, I'm gonna take a look. I'm right at the window.

She peeks through the window.

Price: Oh, no!

The squirrels were gnawing the couch cushions and furnitures.

Price: They've eaten everything!

One squirrel gnaws through a cereal box.

Price: And I mean everything!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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