Chapter 12 (Squeakquel): First day of school

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It was morning time. You were eating cereal for breakfast.

Toby was still in bed sleeping, when the alarm is buzzing.

Alvin: Toby. Toby, make it stop.

He wakes up.

Toby: What are you doing?

Alvin: There's something wrong with the clock. It won't shut up. I can't sleep.

He yells.

Toby: That's the... That's the point.

He shuts it off.

Toby: It's an alarm clock. It helps you wake up in the morning.

Alvin: Why would anyone want to wake up early?

Toby: Well, for school. You got to be there by 8.

Alvin: In the morning?

Toby: Look, I don't like getting this early anymore than you do, but we are in this together.

You come in, wearing your backpack.

(Y/n): Come on, Alvin. We got to get ready.

You came outside with your brothers.

Theodore: School is fun, right?

(Y/n): Well, yes. There's sports, music, a lot of things other than classes.

You unzip your backpack.

(Y/n): Alright, get inside, guys.

Three of them jump in, as you zip it only to leave an opening for them to breathe. You got on your skateboard and take off.

Once you make a stop, you have arrived to school.

(Y/n): Okay, here we are.

You open your bag, letting the Chipmunks out.

Three of them look at the building, with a lot of students walking around.

Alvin: We got this. This will be a walk in the park.

You all got in the building, and students are all over the place.

Alvin: Well, more like a chaotic walk in the park!

You try to get close to the Chipmunks, so you don't lose them.

(Y/n): Excuse me.

Theodore: Hi, I'm Theodore. Hi I'm Theodore. Hi, I'm-

Alvin & Simon: Watch out!

They jump on Theodore away from a rolling bag.

Theodore: Hi, I'm-

They all dodged a bouncing basketball, and run around.

(Y/n): Alvin, Simon, Theodore?

Theodore: Oh boy.

He looks down on a painting of an eagle on the floor.

Theodore: Eagle!

He also sees a guy wearing an eagle costume on a skateboard

Theodore: Eagle!

Theodore ducks and covers, while guy jumps over and falls down the stairs.

(Y/n): Sorry.

You apologized to the guy in the eagle costume.

Theodore: That wasn't very fun...ish.

A woman comes by.

Y/n, Alvin & the ChipmunksWhere stories live. Discover now