Chapter 18 (Chipwrecked): We're chipwrecked

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The next day after the Chipmunks got into trouble, you, your dad, Kira and the Chipmunks head up the steps.

Dave: You're all lucky, Captain Correlli's allowed you one more activity.

Alvin: Is it hang-gliding, wakeboarding or bungee jumping?

Dave: Nope.

(Y/n): Then what is it?

Dave: Shuffleboard.

Chipmunks & Chipettes: Aww, man.

Simon: By my calculations, it appears 10% shuffle, 90% bored.

Jeanette giggles.

Jeanette: That's funny.

He stutters.

Simon: Uh, yeah, thanks. Uh, you really think so?

Alvin: You know, Dave. I think I'd prefer the plank

Dave: Sorry, Alvin, but this is what you get to do. And I get to do something I haven't done in a long time. Absolutely nothing.

He lays down on a lounge chair, reading a magazine.

(Y/n): Well, we'll just have to make the best of it.

Meanwhile, You, Kira and the Chipmunks take turns playing shuffleboard. Brittany goes next.

Alvin: Brittany approaches her puck, adjusts her stance, looks over at me, quite annoyed, wonders to herself if I'm ever going to shut my mouth,

Brittany gets annoyed by him distracting her concentration.

Alvin: realizes I'm not, and makes her move. And...

She pushes the puck, but didn't score.

Alvin: Oh! Oh, it's short.

He laughs.

Alvin: A costly error, ladies and gentleman, that's going to haunt her the rest of her career.

She fake laughs.

Brittany: You can make all the jokes you want, Alvin, but not even you can make this interesting.

You and Kira stand up.

(Y/n): Anyways, the two of us will be getting all of us some drinks so we'll be back. And Alvin, please stay out of trouble. I don't want us to get thrown off the ship and missed the International Music Awards.

The two of you go down stairs.

Alvin looks up at a kite floating in the air by a boy playing with the kite, while Theodore is eating a plate of chocolate doughnuts.

Alvin: Oh, really? Well, care to make it interesting that I can make this interesting?

Simon: Alvin, what are you up to? Need I remind you Dave is watching us.

Alvin: Simon, the poor guy hasn't had a moment's peace since he met us. He's exhausted. Check this out. In three, two one...

He snaps his fingers.

Alvin: Lights out.

Dave falls asleep.

Alvin: Nap time. Time to turn punishment into funishment.

He laughs.

Alvin: You get it? I took the "pun" in "punishment", and turned it into "fun" but kept the "ishment". It's wordplay!

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