Chapter 14 (Squeakquel): Make things right

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After school, you and the brothers watch Meerkat Manor.

(Y/n): I can't believe Ian had the nerve to show his face around the school after what he did.

Simon: Guys, I am so happy that Ms. Ortega can rehearse with us every day after school.

Alvin: Whoa! Every day? But Ryan, (Y/n) and I-

Simon: Alvin, stop right there, okay? We're a team. We need you.

Alvin: Would you relax?

(Y/n): Yeah, we're not gonna lose.

Alvin: We'll talk about this in the morning.

(Y/n): Well, I'm going to bed now.

You head off to your bedroom.

Alvin takes the blanket and lay down.

Simon: Not much to talk about. I will see you two at rehearsal.

He takes the other side of the blanket, which wasn't much for Alvin.

Alvin: Stop hogging!

He takes the blanket back.

Simon: I'm not hogging.

Alvin: You might as well be rooting out truffles in the French countryside, because you are in fact hogging!

Simon: I'm not!

Alvin: Are so!

Simon: Not!

Alvin: So!

They fight over the blanket

Alvin: Forget it. I think I'll sleep in my own bed tonight.

Simon: Ditto for me.

They leave.

Alvin: I'm so glad I'm not a meerkat!

Simon: Oh, really? Why's that?

Alvin: Because as cold as I am, I would never huddle with you!

Theodore on the other hand looked a bit sad, seeing them fight like this.

He goes into the room with Toby, patting his wrist.

Theodore: Uh, Toby.

He wakes up.

Theodore: Can- Can I sleep with you?

Toby: What?

Theodore: Dave lets me. Alvin and Simon are fighting.

Toby: Well, I'm... Okay.

He tilts to the side and went back to sleep, while Theodore tucks into the blanket. All of sudden, Toby passes gas.

Theodore: Oh man! Dutch oven! Not the Dutch oven! Anything but the Dutch oven! Must find fresh air before it's too late! It's too late. Oh, it burns! Mama, it burns!

He moves out of the blanket, inhaling sharply.

Theodore: Maybe (Y/n)'s bed would be nice.

He heads over to your bedroom.


At the cafeteria, Brittany was getting some food.

Brittany: Hmm, let's see... What else am I in the mood for?

Y/n, Alvin & the ChipmunksWhere stories live. Discover now