Chapter 8

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Aaliyah, Tyler, and I enter the hockey arena on campus. I'm still fried from our hotbox sesh. I hope Coach Jensen and O'Shea don't notice. Tyler and I put in eye drops before we came it so hopefully that helps.

"You can sit anywhere in the stands" I tell Aaliyah. I'm glad that she decided to come. She's growing on me a little. "Okay have a good practice" she says then turns to find a seat. Tyler and I head to the locker room to change into our hockey gear.

"Yo who's that fat bitch in the stands" one of guys on the team questions. I'm instantly heated. Who the fuck is he to say something like that. "She's my friend. Is there a problem" I growl. The bench warmer looks up at me terrified. "No" he shakes his head vigorously. "Good. Say something about her again and I'll make sure no one blocks a hit for you on the ice".

He gets my message loud and clear since I assume his scrawny ass doesn't want a buff hockey player crashing into him. "Damn dude you scared the shit out of him" Tyler says. "Well he shouldn't have been talking about her".

"I agree Jacob is an ass" Tyler comments. When we're done changing we hit the ice. I spot Aaliyah two rows away from the rink. She's sitting next to Garrett's girlfriend Hannah. They seem to be chatting it up. I wonder that they're talking about.

"Gray is there a reason why you haven't started the drill yet" Coach Jensen yells. I take my attention off Aaliyah and notice that the team started a passing drill. "Sorry Coach" I reply and hurry over to them.

I notice my RA, Hannah seating in one of the arena seats. She must be dating a boy on the team. When I get closer to her she lefts up her head and smiles at me. Her greens eyes are bright and she looks genuinely happy.

"Hey Aaliyah". "Hi Hannah" I say while seating down next to her. She gives me a smirk. "Spill the tea. Who are you dating" she interrogates me. I feel honored for the simple fact that she thinks that I could ever pull one of the hockey guys.

Sadly I'm not dating any sexy men in front of us. "No one. I'm friends with Aiden. His roommate is also on the team and they invited me to watch the practice." "Oh I know Aiden and Tyler. My boyfriend told me that they're having a kickback in their room after practice." "Which one of those gods are your boyfriend? And are you coming to the kickback" I ask.

"Mine is number 44. His name is Garrett. And yeah all of the hockey girlfriends are going." I look onto the ice to spot Hannah's boyfriend. When I see his jersey number I take in sight of the second sexiest guy on the team. Ofc Aiden is number one.

Garrett is tall with pale skin and dark hair. He's jaw line is defined as hell and he's the right amount of muscle and lean. He's standing next to a blonde haired guy who is equally as hot."You're one of God's favorite" I tell Hannah. She laughs but I'm being dead serious.

God has to love you so much for a sexy guy like Garrett to end up in your life. It isn't just a coincidence. "So are you and Aiden really just friends" Hannah ask. "Yes" I say. "You look like you want it to be more." "What makes you say that." "The way you're watching him right now". I didn't even realize that my gaze had shifted over to Aiden.

Hey, can you blame me. He looks hot af in his blue and white uniform while shredding down the rink and passing the puck to Tyler. "Okay maybe just a little" I say with my hands in my face. I'm embarrassed to talk about my crush like a schoolgirl. Hannah giggles and pats my shoulder.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with that. You better get your man" she tells me. Hannah and I spend the rest of the time getting to know each other better. She occasionally cheers for Garrett whenever he scores. I love her sunshine personality.

She's very welcoming towards me. She doesn't set off my bitch radar like most the other Briar girls. When the guys are done with practice they head to the locker room. Hannah and I wait for them in the lobby. "You're going to love the girls" Hannah squeals. She's telling me about her friends who are also coming to Aiden and Tyler's kickback.

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