Chapter 15

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The team and I are in the sports media room rewatching game footage. The room is wide with red walls and a flat screen tv that is mounted. Coach thought that it would be good for us to watch how we played against Harvard and pick out our strengths and weaknesses. 

 Tyler is sitting next to me but somethings off about him. He hasn't said a word all day and if you know him, then you know that he's very talkative. "What's wrong with you" I ask. He leaves his dazed thoughts and looks at me like he's confused. 

"What are you talking about dude. I'm fine" he presses. He's clearly lying but I'm not gonna push him to talk about something he obviously doesn't want to talk about. I change the subject "Anyways, I can't wait to hit the gym after this." Tyler fidgets in his seat awkwardly. "About that I can't go with you." 

We always go to the gym on Monday, its legs day but whatever. "Can I ask who you're ditching me for" I ask. Tyler looks down at his hands and says, "just my Econ textbook." I wonder if he means the same Econ textbook has been in my car since I gave him a ride two weeks ago. I brush it off and tell him its cool.

 "Can the two chatty whores in the back please shut up. Some of us are trying to focus on the tape" Dean announces. Everyone is laughing at us. "I'll stop talking so you can watch all of your mistakes over again. 

Like that failed pass to Logan" I joke back. The room is filled with laughter on a whole other level. "Damn Aiden. That was a good comeback" Garrett praises me. "He got you dude" Logan says to Dean.

 Dean pretends to be mad, but he can't fight joining in on the laughter for long. "You guys are supposed to be my friends not his" he pouts. "Listen my laughter takes no sides Bruh" Logan says. 

After goofing around for an hour, the team decided that we were done for today. Once Garrett dismisses us after his pep talk, Tyler rushes out the room as if it was on fire. I go to my car and once I hop in, I get a text from mom.

Mom: Do you want to get lunch or something today. I miss you.

I stare at the text. Its weird being on cordial terms with her now. I'm hesitant but I decide to text her back. Shit what's the worst thing that could happen.

Me: I'm free for lunch right now actually

Mom: Perfect Baby boy. How about we go to our Italian spot?

I feel myself tear up. I can't believe she remembers our spot. When I was younger, Mom use to work a block away from this amazing Italian restaurant. She would always bring me back their mushroom and chicken risotto. 

The food melts in your mouth and is the perfect amount of savory. Mom and I would eat our food in the living room and watch Jon and Kate plus 8 on TLC. We used to have Dad bring us donuts for desert too since it paired so well with the food. Back when things were so simple.

Me: Yeah that works. I'll be there in 15

After I shoot that text, I make my way towards the highway to Boston. This is going to be one interesting ass lunch.


"Can anyone tell me what ableism is" My intro to justice professor questions. No one raises their hand to answer so he looks for someone to call on. Unfortunately for me, he makes eye contact. "Aaliyah can you please answer." 

I can literally feel myself shrink in the chair. In a matter of seconds every eye in the room is on me. "Umm is it when people are capable of doing something" I croak out nervously. A white boy named Jacob calls out "you're wrong it means discrimination in favor of able-bodied people, what a moron." Him and his friends laugh at me. 

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