Chapter 13

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I wake up to the feeling of hate. It's directed towards me. Sometimes it's the first thing I think to myself when I open my eyes.

Aiden is snoring softly next to me. He spent the whole night holding me like a child sleeping with their favorite teddy bear.

Since today is a big day for him, I'm going to push my negative thoughts to the side. I hope his mom and her husband doesn't ruin his day. I check my phone and see several text from Charlotte.

Char: Excuse me bitch, but did you just say that you're sleeping over in Aiden's room👀👀

Char: Did you suck him off?😈

Char: Answer me now or so help me god😾

She's crazy. But I can't wait to tell her about sharing a bed with Aiden. Aiden begins to stir in his sleep. Out of nowhere his body starts to shake vigorously.

I think he's having a nightmare. My guess is correct because now he's screaming don't leave me here alone. I reach over and grab his shoulder. "Wake up Aiden" I say while pushing him.

"Come back" he's hyperventilating. He wakes up in a panic. "You're okay. It was just a dream" I reassure him. Aiden's body relaxes when he realizes that I'm with him. "Sorry about that" his raspy voice croaks out. "Do you want to talk about it".

"It was nothing". I can tell that he's lying. His eyes don't meet mine while he's talking. The brightness in his eyes is replaced by darkness and pain. Whatever his dream was about it left him feeling like shit.

"What happened to all that crap about best friends don't lie to each other". He's annoyed but tugs a small smile since it's the exact thing he said to me the other day. "You won't let this go. Will you?" "Nope I'm very relentless" I give him a smug smile.

"I had a dream about my mother. I get nightmares before I see her sometimes." Shit this bitch is already ruining his day and she's not even here yet. "I don't even want her to come today but she won't leave me alone."

"Maybe she wants to be there for you" I suggest. Aiden let's out a wicked laugh "that's rich considering she wasn't there for me in the past five years." I comfort him the best way I know how. I let him continue to vent while listening in silence.

"She didn't even call me all those years on my birthday. She wasn't there when I went on my first date. Hell she didn't even bother to show up for my fucking graduation" Aiden looks like he's about to cry but he's holding it back.

"Aiden you can cry if you want to. I'm not going to judge you." "Men don't cry. Or at least that's what my mom use to tell me." Yeah, fuck that bitch. "That's stupid Aiden. Everyone needs a good cry once in awhile. It doesn't make you less of a man".

Aiden stares at me like I'm trying to trick him into crying so that I can humiliate him. "I'm serious Aiden. You don't have to be all macho man with me" I say while I scoot closer to him on the bed.

I wiggle my way into his arms. "Let it out" I gently say to him. Aiden takes my three little words as a sign of comfort and allows himself to cry. "What kind of bitch doesn't love her son enough to at least visit him after the divorce."

Aiden lets himself be sad for a while but then he says "Fuck that. I'm done thinking about her. Let's get ready for the game."

I take in his warmth before I roll out of bed. "Can you drive me and Char to the arena please". "What's in it for me" he questions. I'm going to regret this but I say "name your price".

"You owe me a favor. No questions asked when I need it". I hate him but i refuse to take the bus. Plus Char would kill me if she finds out I didn't at least try to get a ride. "Let's shake on it" I agree.

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