Chapter 16

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I'm on my bed scrolling through my school emails when I see one from my intro to justice professor. He thinks that giving me a tutor will sharpen my skills and help improve my grade. He told me to meet my tutor tomorrow at three pm in the library. My professor failed to mention who he picked to tutor me.

My anxiety is going crazy because what if I don't get along with them or what if they don't want to tutor me but are only doing it because the professor asked them to. "If I study any longer, I'm gonna turn into my textbook" Char complains. "Same."

"Lets get some fresh air and walk by the auditorium" she suggests. I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head to say, " girl you just want to see the football team practice." She cracks up and says "Well can you blame me. The quarter back is fine as hell."

I can't disagree with that. I saw Beau at a party once and let's just say that man could make me do some nasty things if he wanted to. Char and I leave the dorm and take in the scenery around us. Students rush to get to their classes some walking alone while others are in groups.

Once we reach the auditorium, we spot the football team on the practice field. They seem to be doing a team scrimmage. A small group of students have gathered to watch the boys play. Most of them are girls. "Aaliyah get your ass over here right now" I hear someone shout.

Char and I look around trying to find the person that was talking to me. Then I spot Garrett walking over to us. He gives me a hug and says hey to Char. We catch up and make plans to hang out soon.

The next day rolls around and I'm actually in a good mood. I'm running late to meet with my tutor because I took too long to get ready. I get to the library fifteen minutes late.

As I walk in Jacob comes up to me and says "you're late" while rolling his eyes in disappointment. My good mood is instantly killed. "You're my tutor" I ask him, praying that he was talking to someone behind me.

"Of course, I am. I have the highest grade in the class" he proclaims. Someone is feeling themselves a little too much. Why the fuck did my professor pick the rudest person ever to tutor me? I think the professor has beef with me.

"Come on lets get this over with, I have hockey practice in an hour." Oh, that's right I forgot that Jacob is on the team with Aiden and Tyler. I make a mental note to ask them if they find Jacob to be as annoying as I do. I follow him to a table in the corner of the study section. "Lets start by going over what you wrote for the essay" Jacob tells me. "I didn't start it" I say.

He releases an annoyed groan. "Why am I not surprised." I try not to let him get to me, but I feel really embarrassed. "Whatever we can work on it now. What topic did you pick." My silence answers his question. "Do you ever do anything" he questions. "I couldn't pick" I say.

After ten minutes I decide that I want to write about the school to prison pipeline. Jacob helps me gather information to use. I am writing three paragraphs about how African American males are put at a disadvantage in elementary school and further on in high school which can cause them to be more likely to end up in jail compared to their white counterparts.

While I was writing Jacob was on his phone for the most part, but I caught him looking at me a couple of times without him knowing I saw him. After I finish Jacob reads over what I have.

"Not bad" he says. It throws me off because I expected him to call it trash. "We're meeting up here again next week" he says while getting up to leave. Just when I thought he was sort of becoming nicer he leaves without saying goodbye. What an asshole.


Shit is getting stressful. The first game of the season is coming up and I need to go dummy. I've been putting in extra hours on the ice. I like to get to the rink early and clear my mind. Something about the crisp cold air brings me peace.

I skate around the rink working on some offensive drills. I'm in my zone until my phone starts to ring. Brittney's name pops up on the screen in big letters. "Hey" I say into the phone. "Movie date at my house" she says. I wasn't planning on hanging out today but shit who am I to deny a cute girl. I respond by telling her I'll buy the popcorn.

After I get off the phone, I skate off the rink and hit the locker room. Showering after a workout hits different. I leave the arena and make my way back to my dorm. When I get to the room Tyler is playing video games. He's been acting weird lately and I don't know what to say. I just hop on my bed and put on my headphones.

I drown out the awkward tension in the room with Rod wave lyrics and before I know it, it's time to go see Brittney. Just when I'm about to leave I hear screaming coming from the hallway. Tyler and I rush to see what's going on.

When we get out there Aaliyah and Charlotte are holding each other while looking terrified. "What's wrong" I ask fearing that something bad is happening. "Roach" is the only thing Aaliyah manages to say while freaking out.

"Relax its just a bug" I say trying to calm them down. It doesn't seem to work. "Tyler come on and let's go kill it" I say. I step towards the door, but Tyler stays perfectly still. I shake my head at him "Tyler you got to be kidding me."

"Hey man insects freak me out with all that creepy crawling shit" he claims. I enter the room alone looking for the roach. It's crawling around the floor near Aaliyah's desk. "Kill that shit Aiddy" Aaliyah says while I squish the bug with my sneaker.

Then Aaliyah hands me a paper towel to clean up the mess. "My hero" Charlotte says as she walks back into the room. "Y'all are a bunch of wimps" I tease them.

"That's not true" Aaliyah says. "I get that Charolotte and Tyler were chicken, but I thought that you were tougher than that Ms. New York." Aaliyah rolls her eyes at me and hit my arm. "Well since y'all are over here wanna go to the mall" Charlotte suggests.

Tyler and Aaliyah agree, and I stay quiet while I decide if I should go with them or hangout with Brittney. On one hand Brittney and I are really getting along but one the other it's been a while since the dorm squad all got together. I look over to Aaliyah and see she's waiting for my answer just like Charlotte and Tyler.

Fuck it, I can always see Brittney another time. "Bet I'm down. I need to buy some new sneakers anyways" I say. Tyler, Charlotte, and Aaliyah start to argue over who has shotgun. "Wait why did y'all assume I'm gonna drive" I question them.

They look at me and start laughing. "Who's gonna tell him" Charlotte says while slapping her knee. "Tell me what" I say but they just keep on laughing at their inside joke. I repeat myself. Finally, Aaliyah answers my question.

"Ofc your gonna drive us cuz you're the dad of the group" she giggles. " I am so not the dad" I argue but who am I kidding compared to Tyler anyone looks responsible as fuck. "So, who's the mom then" I wonder.

"Easy that totally goes to Aaliyah" Tyler answers. Aaliyah agrees and says, "Yeah Tyler and Charlotte are our bad ass kids." I laugh and say, "that makes sense."

Charlotte and Tyler pretend to look offended, but they can't stop laughing. As we walk out the dorms and head to my car, I shot Brittney a quick text explaining that I can't hang because something came up.

Author's note:

Thank you to everyone who asked me to update. It brought me out of my writing slump. It means the world to me that people are reading my story and want more. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

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