Chapter 2

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    I fucking hate my life. It wouldn't be so bad right now if it was only dad and I riding up to Hastings to take me to college but of course he had to extend an invitation to my fucking mother. Ew even calling her that in my head makes me want to puke. I know what you're thinking. Why would anyone hate their mom?

  Well let me paint you this picture the one woman on this earth that should love me no matter what turned her back on this family when she divorced dad and got with her boss. She didn't even talk to dad about it. She left one day and that was it. She gave her lawyer the honor of breaking the news to dad. How could she do that? Dad gave her his all and I thought that she loved me. She left when I was thirteen. I try not to talk to her as much as possible but for some reason Dad still thinks that she should be a part of my life. "Aiden your mother is here. Time to head out" dad shouts.

      I let out a deep sigh. This is going to be the longest car ride of my life and the school is only an hour away. I get off my bed and throw on my Boston Bruins hockey hoddie. I've been playing hockey since I could walk dad says. I'm not surprised that's how it is for every guy that lives in Massachusetts. We love hockey over here. Dad and I always watch the bruins play. It's our favorite way to bond with each other. My room is filled with posters of my favorite hockey legends.

Phil Graham, Mikey Hanson, and Shane Lukov are all over my wall. I look up to those guys so much and wish I could be just as good as them on the ice one day. I go downstairs to see dad by the front door waiting for me. "I know you're not a fan of your mother but please try to be nice" dad says. I take a deep breath and say, "fine but you owe me one". He looks at me and nods. We lock up the house and head to the car. For some weird reason the witch has decided to sit in the passenger seat. I roll my eyes and hop in the back.

     "Hi honey" mom says. I give her my best why the fuck are you talking to me face while putting in my headphones. She tries to say something to me again but lyrics four in the morning while they're sleeping, I'm wide awake drown out her voice. I love Rod wave he is my favorite rapper. I might not be able to understand his story completely because I'm white and come from the suburbs but I understand his pain of wanting love but being toxic at the same time.

  I also get him when he raps about the people you love backstabbing you and wanting to just end it all sometimes. Dad gets in the driver seat and starts the car up. Twenty minutes goes by and now I'm starting to get bored as fuck. I check my messages and of course I don't have any. I might be a cool ass guy who is good at hockey but I don't have any real friends. Emphasizes on real. Like yeah, I use to hang out with the guys on my team in high school but all of them are dumb jerks who only really care about themselves.

      Don't get me wrong the guys treated me well but I could see how shitty they treated their girls and everyone else. The number of times I would see one of them with a girl who wasn't their girlfriend is crazy or that one time Jackson, the team captain asked me to lie to his girlfriend and say that we were studying all night together at my house. Well, it wasn't a total lie. I was studying in my room all night for the AP government test while Jackson was at a party fucking only god knows who. I didn't want to look Carly in the eyes and lie but I knew that if I didn't Jackson would find a way to get back at me. That's why I am going to the one school for hockey that no one else on my team applied to, Briar University. The guys were good on the ice but not so much in the classroom unlike me.

   I just hope my new team isn't as bad or worse than my old one. Briar is the place to go for a great education since it is an ivy league. If you play hockey, it can be your golden ticket to the NHL. My dream is to play for the Bruins. Dad and I have been talking about it since I was five. See dad isn't like the other sports parents. He lets me decide what I want to do. If I told him right now that I wanted to quit hockey he would say okay, that's fine and really mean it.

  Dad never forced me to practice or yelled at me for losing a game. He just supports me the best that he can. I really appreciated that while growing up and it motivated me to explore other hobbies outside of hockey too. I love hockey but it's not the only thing I am good at such as basketball, building things, and giving some lucky girl the best orgasm of her life.

   I look up from my phone to see dad talking to me, but I can't hear him. I take out my headphone. "What did you say" I say annoyed as shit. "Do you want us to get a hotel room and stay in Hastings with you for the weekend" dad asked. "You can but not her" I reply as nonchalant as possible. Dad gives me a look and I know it means he will be giving me another one of those crappy speeches about how I should respect my mother. What dad fails to realize is that respect is earned not given and that bitch didn't do anything to earn it.

  Their fucked up relationship makes me terrified to love someone because I saw firsthand how much it hurt dad to have the love of your life stomp your heart out. I've hooked up with girls plenty of times and all of them have been satisfied without complaints, but I never had a real girlfriend. It's okay though because who needs love when you're hot enough to have girls slide to their knees to suck you off. I don't need love and even if I did who in their right mind would love a guy that struggles with depression.

My dark days started when the kids at school teased me for having a mom that walked out on me. They called me unlovable. Those kids were dick heads but maybe they were right about me being unlovable. After what feels like an eternity, we finally made it to Briar. The big wooden sign with Welcome to Briar University greeted us while we drove through campus to get to my dorm.

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