Part 19: Gone.

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Holy crap I love the media photo <3

Normal POV
Wendy ran out of the infirmary as fast as she could.
She heard what Natsu and Lucy did, and she knows the consequences for using that much magic power.

"Natsu! Lucy!" Wendy cried as she got near the group of people surrounding Natsu and Lucy.

Wendy shoved her way through the small group of her sobbing comrades.

When she got to the middle of the group she saw Natsu and Lucy laying on the ground- motionless.

"Luuuuccccyyy! Naaattssuuuuu!!" She screamed through sobs.

Erza was standing above Natsu and Lucy, slouching on Gray, crying as well.
Even Gray had a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

I heard Erza whisper "Natsu.. Lucy.. you d..dont for your friends, live f..for them, remember?"

Erza fell to her knees, placing her head in her hands, followed by Gray.

"You pyro freak! How could you leave us?!" Gray yelled, crying up towards the sky.

The other guild members had nothing to say, they stood and watched while letting their years fall.

That's all they could do.

(Time Skip: 2 Weeks)
Master Mokerovs POV
I walked up to the podium, trying to hold in my tears.

"I stand before you today to mourn the deaths of two treasured family members, Natsu and Lucy Dragneel." I said, sucking my breath to battle my sobs that were aching to get out.

"Sacrificing everything, they are the reason everyone in Earthland is still alive today," I said, my voice cracking.

"With great gratitude, we honor Natsu and Lucy. Never forgetting the bonds we made with them, their names will never be thought of in vain." I could feel myself shaking.

"They are proud members of Fairy Tail, two of which made a special place in our hearts,
"They may be gone, but never forgotten."

(A/N I am so so sorry, I can't finish this scene, it's to hard for me! ;( I just read about future fairy tail arcs that will be coming in, such as the rest of the Torterous Arc and then the Avatar Arc, so now I am way to depressed to write this scene:(. if you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up on google, or read the mangas; start at 400...)
(Time Skip: 12Years)
Kieannas POV
A few tears dripped down my cheeks as I clutched my keys.

"I miss you mama and papa!" I cried, grabbing the letter that was given to Niko and I after our parents died.

I cried for a little bit, but soon stopped when Niko came in the room and put his hand on my shoulder, "c'om sis, you can't cry forever you know," he said.

"I *sniff*, know, but I *sniff* miss mom and dad!" I sobbed.

Niko pulled me into a hug, "how bout you read it one more time, then go to the guild with me, we need some work," he said, standing up and walking out of my room.

I opened the letter that our parents had left.

"Dear Fairy Tail, year X794 ( two years after the guild gets back together; read about the Avatar Arc if you don't know what I'm talking about.... this is before Natsu and Lucy got married),
I always figured you guys would go through my stuff one day. But if you guys have found this letter, and I haven't scolded you for reading my stuff, it means something has happened to me."

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