Seed 2 - Archangel is going to visit the Shadow Garden

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3rd POV

As the members of the Archangel was thinking on how they will go to the other ship, the ones who will meet them are Murrue Ramius, Natarle Badgiruel, Mu La Flaga, and man with blue eyes and hair this is Kojiro Murdoch, he is Archangel's Chief Mechanic, as they are on the bridge they have another call from the Archangel and they answer it only this time it was Jude on screen and Murrue bushed once more along with Natarle but she was on a shock as well since she saw the leader of the Shadow Company and for Mu and Kojiro they were jaw drop since this leader is young  

Jude:If you have some problem for transportation I can bring you one and please don't shoot it down as my abie and XO will greet you and escorting you to my ship 

Murrue:Thank you Jude

With that the call was end and she looks over at the three officers as they are still shock since before Jude called she told them about Shadow Company of what she know and its leader but they still don't want to believe about it as the he was call them they start to believe on what Murrue said and the one who break the ice was Mu

Mu:Even you told us about them I can't even believe it but now I am starting to believe your words Murrue 

Natarle:Indeed plus seeing they have a ship and some mobile suit I have to believe in your words but are they naturals?

Murrue:We don't know about that but we shot first and their commander did repair the Strike and invited us over some tea 

Kojiro:Well I have to see the Strike and I am interested of their Mobile suits they have

With that one of the officers spotted a shuttle that is coming towards the Archangel and on that same shuttle someone is hailing them and they answer the hail but the one who called is Philip  

Philip:Archangel this is Philip Grave callsgin Shadow Leader as well Deputy commander of Shadow Company, request for landing to your ship 

Murrue:Your request is granted you can land on one of the legs of the ship  

Philip:Thanks, Shadow Leader out

With that the call end and the three of them are going to the Hangar and moments later the shuttle was landed and the doors was opening and showing Philips and the Shadow company

Philip:Well is your company and yourself are ready 

Murrue:Yes we are ready and this three are the only people are coming with 

Philip:Very well come along my boss is expecting on our ship 

Meanwhile at the Shadow Garden our pink head girl, Lacus is talking and eating some sweets with Jude and Mira 

Jude:Sorry to ask this but are you related to Mr.Segal Clyne 

Lacus:Yes Mr. Teves

Jude:Jude just call me Jude plus I am a young leader of my Company 

Mira:Jude-san when did you form this group 

As Jude puts down his tea and looking at the window on this side it looks like he was down on a memory lane but on the inside he was panicking  

Jude POV

Oh shit I haven't think of a story for that, As I turn my head to the both of them and I just answer her question

Jude:It's a very yet long story how about you Mira-chan what are you and your friends doing here

Mira:Well we are going to get some water but

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