Seed Destiny 5 - Landed back to Earth and unto ORB

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Jude POV

Right now we landed onto the sea while beside us is the ZAFT new battleship as for me I am really tired right now since Mayu and Shinn will go home to ORB from meeting from their parents while I did contacted them before the meeting with Mayu back a few day's or weeks ago and on the end they wanted to let their daughter to think about it and now I look at one of my crew members right now

Jude:Can you bring up the news

'Orb' CIC:Ten-four sir

Now the news was on the main monitor as I saw that few fragments from the battle ended up dropping on parts of earth hit on a few major cities and as well landmark causing minor damages but on the cities unlike in canon only hit outside part but still suffered injuries those who were near that are being treated since the huge debri was pulled not destroyed looking at this the entire Earth Population opinion of restarting the War will be set to medium high at best which it would not be enough in forcing other neutral countries to join EA but knowing the Nazis will try any way which I am ready for.

Jude: Will this enough can spark a war huh?

'Orb' Helmsman:Sir

I just got up and walks to the side to see the Minerva right now and I was planing to go there and maybe to borrow their shooting range since on this ship has no Shooting range

Jude: Nothing just thinking out loud.

Now I start to go out of their ship right now since right now I have some plans to meet the crew and before I go I need to get my side arm first since it's not with me right now since I took it off since right now it's Durandal's move right now since already got back to PLANT.

3rd POV

Now we go to the Colony of PLANT that is located on Lagrange Point 5 and we go in to the Colony to see the HQ of PLANT

Now we go to the Colony of PLANT that is located on Lagrange Point 5 and we go in to the Colony to see the HQ of PLANT

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Inside of the top floor of the Building we can see Gilbert Durandal as he is looking on the window

Gilibert:Rome, Shanghai, The Gobi Desert, Quebec, Philadelphia and the North Atlantic

While on the table we can see a woman playing with the glass chess peace as Gilibert is looking at the window but he was talking about himself and the current situation.

Gilibert:There's no way of telling how high the number of casualties could climb. A tragedy beyond words, But the real problems begin now

????:But what about Commander Teves and the Re-GZ since now most of PLANT and Earth are talking about the action he made two years back and the current right now

Gilibert:Now to think about it, I guess we let him be for now since he is UNDER Orb which they are a neutral nation and will not join any side from the work he did for two years.

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