Seed 11 - The Comet meet the New Pilot of Unicorn

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3rd POV

Now we can see a car going towards the Manion of Andrew Waltfeld while Jude was thinking about something since he knows that Char is meeting him since he knows Andrew is going and try to meet them while Mira and Cagaill are looking at Waltfeld since he is the one who will driving the Jeep as they got inside of the mansion area and Waltfeld parks right infront and stops the jeep as the four of them got off the jeep they walk and the door opens as they meet Andrew Waltfeld's wife, Aisha and the other one is Angelo Cruz, Char Frontal's Second in command of the Sleeves team.

While Cagaill was shock to see Angelo Cruz and for Jude, he was surprised that Angelo looks like from the Unicorn Gundam Movie but he was a female which now Jude wants to questions what changes on this canon since Frontal is here and all.

Jude: What the fuck! now we are near on the episode of another battle and Char wants to talk with me by now since he knows about the Unicorn Gundam

Char: Welcome, crew of the Archangel and the Gundam Pilots

Jude: By the looks of it you know about us but mostly on my Gundam

Char :Ah yes, the Unicorn Gundam for now follow me Commander Teves

Jude:Mira, Cagaill I'll be fine for now talk with Waltfeld even though I am a young commander I am clam right now

Now Jude follows Char and Angelo as they are going to the room of were they can speak along while Waltfeld and his wife along with Mira and Cagaill are looking the Leader of the Sleeves as if he was interested on Jude since he Pilot the Unicorn Gundam and now the Sleeves' leader and the Shadow Company's Commander got in the mansion

Cagaill: So, what's the deal with the Red Meteor wanting the kid

Waltfeld: Now that's the question I want answers now since he was most interested on the Pilot and the White unicorn as most of ZAFT called that Unicorn.

Now back to Char and Angelo(Fem) as they walk Jude was thinking on what shall he start to talk since they are going to to Char's personal office and in a few minutes they are in side of his personal office and it was the same as the UC office of Full frontal.

Jude: First off its honor to meet you personally Char.

Char:The pleasure its all mine Commander Teves and please take a sit

As we all taken a sit.

Jude: You what do you want to ask of me?

Jude POV

Shit he is really going to ask some question on the Unicorn and he did spotted my ship since it was modeled the same from the Nahel Argama on the Unicorn Movie side and he has the same face mask as now I see he is removing it.

Char: If you are wondering about the mask.

Jude: No I don't wondered on your mask Commander Frontal

Char:I see, here I wonder if Banagher will try and ask about me hiding my face.

Now that's him alright, the same Full Frontal, The Second Coming of Char, the red comet and as he is the Leader of Neo Zeon remnants "The Sleeves"

Jude: You answered Banagher it was your style and a tool of propaganda; most of the time, you forget you even have it on.

Angelo was now abit made as she is the same as the movie and moving in front of me as he grabs me on my collar since its certain this is Angelo really loves Char here since he is the SEED's Red comet.

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