Seed 14 - Once more, a sea battle and Orb in sighted (1)

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Jude POV

Now it was a new day being peaceful right now as I am awake and looking around thinking about yesterday I mean Cagalli just kissed me on the bloody lip but I shake it out as I got out of my bed since I am wearing just a long polo shirt and got to the bathroom as I remove my clothes going into the showers taking a bath and in a few minutes I was done and going out of my room to see Graves was in front of me with a mischievous smirk on his face with Eta giving me a pout in jealousy..

Jude: What are you smirking at Graves? And why is Eta pouting at me?

Graves:I don't know boss but we got Mira on board here as for Eta well.... I don't know Woman can be confusing I guess,

Jude:Alright and thanks

Now we are heading towards the mess hall and I see civilians are enjoying the food and talking on some light subjects as well some shadows are playing with some kids and as I head somewhere to get some food I encounter Cagalli and her bodyguard


Cagalli:Morning Jude.

Ledonir:Morning Commander

Now some of the people heard that and a few of the adults are now talking about me as the commander and all now I just grab some breakfast and the four of us are heading on a table while I saw Mira and she is eating alone now we saw her, we go there and sat there as she notice us.

Jude:So you decide to join with us.

Mira:Oh hey Jude, Cagalli

Cagalli:Yo Mira

Jude:So what's your reason to join up with us?

Mira:Well Mu said that I should join up with you since you got the right supply to fix up the Gundam but me and Eta already modify one spot for the Strike to charge the powerscore

Jude:That's good and all but are you still having some bad dream about Waltfeld?

I saw her reacted on that while I saw Ledonir and Cagalli was thinking on her mind set I mean in the near time she needs to go and fake her death to get the Freedom Gundam since I already got my Unicorn and with some spare parts I can make the Banshee Gundam for Cagalli and I don't know if the Banshee can react on her since it was only for NewTypes.

Ledonir:Kid they did their job as a shoulder as they already know what kind of job hey have in the military

Jude: You know for the fact that she is a civilian not a soldier before the Heliopolis incident it's not everyday civilians just suddenyl become soldiers to fight.

Ledonir:I know Comander Teves but when she holds the G-Project unit she is a soldier already as the enemy saw it and all

Cagalli:But that's —

I cut her off since the people of Heliopolis doen't want to know about her father help building the Gundams

Jude:Stop for now since Heliopolis doesn't need to know that.

Cagalli:I know

Ledonir:Back as I was saying, ZAFT already saw her piloted that Mobile suit and that's that.

Jude:Still back then they gave her and her frends an out

Ledonir:But they pick to stand with Her and now they are still a full soldier for EA

I know since Mira and her Friends are not EA born well not all of them but before I talk the intercom start to ring

Shadow Helsman:All Shadows are to report to their standtion as we spotted ZAFT Forces heading this way, this is not a drill all Shadows are to report to their station, Civilians are to go to the safe Zone of the ship

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