Seed 12 - The Comet Fights the Unicorn once more

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3rd POV

Now we can see the Rebel forces and as well Shadow company are packing up all weapons and crates that holds food and parts for ether Mobile Suit's or ships while Jude goes to the ArcAngel for a few moments as he gifted something for Murrue as he left Graves in-charged to oversee the operations near the Shadow Garden

Now we can see on the ArcAngel bridge that Jude and Murrue are talking as he help Murrue to wear the necklace, its model was a black and red rose inside as symbolizes, the red its for Murrue and the Black was Jude since he was in the shadows of the beautiful red rose as he told this Murrue was blushing on that meaning since Jude will always help out Murrue no matter what.

Murrue:This, thank you Jude-kun

Jude:No problem besides if you need me just call or wished on that locket and I will be there and now I be back on my ship

But before Jude took off he kissed her cheek since Jude its 4'7 and after that he ran towards his ship since now he need to help out the ArcAngel now while he thinks about Full Frontal as they will be encounter with them once more

In a few hours he was in the Shadow Garden as he taken a sit on the captain sit and seeing all the members are ready as they look at him while Graves was beside him as he looks at the leader of his

Graves:Well sir, orders

Jude:Right now we are still escorting the ArcAngel to JOSH-A and break through the Desert Tiger and the Red Comet, as now Shadow Garden, launch!

Shadow Hellsmen:Aye sir

Outside of the Ship we can see both ships are levitating on the ground as it was on the front of the ArcAngel since the Shadow Garden Its more armed than the ArcAngel while the Desert Dawn's Half truck armed with missiles launcher and Transporter and as well Gatling Truck are in the front, numbers only a five trucks only as Jude was seeing this he knows that they will fight Full Frontal and he had a feeling that he will be like Char and Amuro, Banagher and Full as he will meet his own red vs white here

As the ship was traveling we go to the ArcAgnel's mess hall we can see Mira is not eating while beside her was Mu La Flaga as he saw Mira is not eating.

Mu:What's taking you so long? Hurry and eat


While Mu is enjoying the food he is eating since it was good to eat local food than Militray food they have on the ArcAngel while there are some civilians stayed on the ArcAngel since they will be stopped at an Orb territory while Majorty of the Civilians stayed on the Shadow Garden since there are lot of rooms to enjoy like a drawing room or a game room and as well some enjoyable rooms to stay while their staying will be a family size and as well shearing their room and now

Mu: Nothing beats the food we get locally

Mira:Commander, haven't you had enough to eat

Mu:We're on our way to battle, unless we eat, where will we get our strength and beside if Jude was here he will agree on me for now....

Mu grabs a sauce and gives it to Mira

Mu:Here, it's great with yogurt sauce

Jude POV

Now I am on the mess hall and enjoying my Shuarma and I saw some shadows are talking on each other and there are female Shadows members and some civilians are eating here since our chef is a great cook and looking at the people here they enjoyed it and now since in a few moments we are going to be under attack by ZAFT and as well with Full Frontal or on his new name Char Frontal since this is going to be a busy day and for Graves well he is staying on the bridge since he's the one will command the men of the ship, well second in command since I am the main commander as Graves already gave me full command on his men and all

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