Seed - 7 Meeting the 8th Space Fleet

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3rd POV

Right now on a medical room where Jude was sleeping while someone is holding his hand it was Eta since she was worried about his well being since a few days ago he was unconscious on his cockpit and Philip was going there to check him up and he curry him to the medical wing to treat him Meanwhile Philip was in charge until Jude is wake and now he is on the Bridge 

Philip:Give me a up date guys 

Shadow CIC:Sir we are near the the LZ of the 7th Orbital Fleet and the Law and Montgomery are moving in the front 

Philip:Good, what's the update on the Unicorn and its Pilot 

Shadow CIC 2:Sir the pilot is till unconscious and healty for now as for the Unicorn ammo is all re-armed and read 

Meanwhile on the Blitz Gundam we can see Eta is working on it since she was 40% done to unluck it since she want it to made a slow progress since Jude told her that so the data of the Blitz will not be fall into the wrong plus Eta was already done accessing the Blitz 

Eta:I can understand why Jude told me to do this since he knows the EA its compromise 

As of now Eta moves to the Unicorn as she starts to maintaining it as well to check up the Beam Mangum since Jude fired the Mangum a few times as well to check the NT-D system Meanwhile at the medical room Jude was still resting and a song was playing on his room "Beyond The Time" by TM Network

As Jude start to move his eyes as he opens it he saw a white ceiling as he looks around since the last thing he remembered that he was gunning it to the Shadow Garden on his Unicorn with that he removes all of the medical things around his body and starts to get out of the medical room 

Jude:Got to make it to the Bridge

As he was passing to the meeting room he hear some voices since some of them are from the Archangel, George, Philip and as well the Captain Coopman

Philip:I understand you want you mobile suit back but here's a question WHY God's name we have to give up OUR mobile suits and the Unicorn SIR

????:We need every data for making the mobile suit Mister Philip and don't forget the data of the Kshatriya as the Pilot/Commander Teves has

Philip:Sir you still have the Strike and for the Blitz we still need to unlock it so we can use it and as well to adjust the OS of the Blitz 

?????:You have rase some points there Sub-Commander but how about the 'Zaku's you called them and the 'Delta' since the reports I read from Capitan Ramius that most of the crew and members are Natruals 

Natarle:Yes how about the OS only since we have the Strike and the Blitz, we can apply that on the movement on it since we have two Mobile suits

With that Jude just open the door as the guess got the attention of the door on who was entering the Drawing room

Jude:So most of the Blue Nazis will drive a Mobile suit and kill all Coordinator in sight

As Jude turns to the new people since he know one of them a man with blond hair and has somewhat gray eyes this Rear Admiral Duane Halberton

As Jude turns to the new people since he know one of them a man with blond hair and has somewhat gray eyes this Rear Admiral Duane Halberton

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