Seed 16 - A meeting with the Leader of ORB and the deal

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Jude POV

Now inside an Orb Office we are in front of the leader as on right its the ArcAngel crew and on the left its mine but the leader its Cagali's dad and its the lion himself, Uzumi Nara Athha

Jude:Ah right my name is Eduardo Jude Teves, leader of Shadow Company, an PMC and beside me is Sub-Commander Philip Graves

Graves:Nice to meet you sir

Uzumi:Nice to meet you Comander Teves, if you already know my name its Uzumi Nara Athha and I know you already know me?

Jude:Yes sir

Now I hope that this will be the same as the canon's talk since Orb did help making Mobile suit and I bet they got the Astray ready but the OS is still missing now he is still looking at me.

Uzumi:First thing, I want to say thank you for bringing our people back to their home, Commander Teves and Captain Ramius

Jude:Don't worry about it, we just do what we think was best Lord Athha and can I make a request

Uzumi:What is it?

Jude:I want the crew of the ArcAngel to disembark, since some of them want to visit their love ones right away, if its alright with you Lord Athha

Uzumi:Um.... I allow it, but lets get down to business, As you know our, Orb, is neutral.


Uzumi:Officially, its been reported that the EA ship is supposedly chased the EA ship from our territorial water while the Company's ship the Shadow Garden is allied with Orb.

Murrue:I see

Mu:But the reason is that you know that Shadow Company has your daughter and you didn't know—

Uzumi:We know where my daughter is but all sides knows about Shadow Company as a PMC for your ship but do you think I can compare the fate of this country for one spoiled daughter

Mu:Excuse me for implying that

Jude:Mu, you know Lord Uzumi, as a leader of Orb, its his power to protect his country but as a father he is still worried about her.

Now Mu and the other just nodded of what I just said since I know Kira or Mira is a experimental kids from the Hibiki family but still its a bit sad that Cagailil and Mira didn't meet Ulen and Via Hibiki now I feel that Uzumi really looking at me, I mean sure I am a kid well I fast grown kid but I bet Uzumi knows my real age.

Uzumi:The case with Heliopolis, Children of this nation who got involved and ended up volunteering as solders, the achievements of the X-Numbers in one battle after another, but I want to question on this Mr. Philips Graves?


Uzumi:Why let a child pilot a Mobile suit, the white horn, aka the Unicorn let alone being a leader of the Company

Before Graves was about to answer I answer since it was my responsibility as both a Gundam Pilot and new leader of the Shadows since I know Uzumi is a bit mad on me of being a younger Pilot of the Gundam Unicorn and I bet Cagaill is dressing up with the help of her caretaker

Jude: To be fair sir it was my choice and not to mention the Unicorn is lock to my biometrics no one besides me can pilot it.

Uzumi is looking at me as if he was looking onto my soul since I am a NewType each time I can still feel Char but for some reason I got a unfamilar feeling as if it was dark and it was down to the core means that Char and Rau is here on Orb

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