Seed 18 - Shadow Company Temporarily Separated from the Archangel

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3rd POV

It was already night time as the ships Archangel and Shadow Garden are enroute to JOSH-A as the crew now resting before the next battle would start after the said battle that the time Shadow Company needs to temporarily separates from the Arcangel to meet Lacus and her group then go to JOSH-A as of now Jude was on the mess hall as he start to have a light eat since the next it will be another battle but now Jude was thinking if Rau will make up a lie to make Arthrun to go rage mode..

Jude: If Rau lied about Nicol's life being dead or something, I got a feeling that he will activate SEED mode since Mira already activate her SEED mode back at the desert but only a short while but I need both of them fully activate SEED more then next to let Archangel capture the Buster Gundam.

As he was started to eat more someone on his side was sited and it was Mu La Flag, since then Mu was abit worried on the young commander so he told the Archangel that he will be on the Shadow Company's ship for awhile to make a talk and now Mu was abit worried right now since they are close and EA want's the Blitz Mobile suit but luckily Jude hasn;t have any plan to give it to them but already made an excuse for it while other are talking about the victory and they pray as well to the dead since now they got one row of Zaku's left and a few Delta Plus

Mu:So kid what's your plan right now.

Jude: After the next upcoming battle once were near JOSH-A we of Shadow Company will split off when the Archangel to meet up with someone then go towards JOSH-A.

Mu: Eh? What about the payment since EA will pay for the escort?

Jude: The payment you can tell them to give to Murrue for now since the group I need to meet is really important and want to join up with me.

Mu: Why not just go to a transport ship and leave

Jude was thinking about this since he needed more funds right now since they are almost at the limited funds but thankfully thanks to Orb they have more supplies both the human inhabitants and their Mobile Suits as of right now but as of now he was getting abit low on pilots and Mobile suits right now

Jude: As I said the group I need to meet is really important.

Mu: What's important about this group anyway besides joining up with you.

Before Jude could answer he first looks around luckily there aren;t any EA member just his own people with that assurance he explains to Mu.

Jude: The one I save before wanted to return the favor by giving me one of the two ZAFT's new Gundams and joining up with me as she and her group defects.

That shocks Mu to the core and right now he was thinking who was it since he know Char and him are now on a good terms and the next was....

Mu: Lacus right?

Jude: Yeah the same one she wanted to join my group and don;t tell anyone from the EA this.

Mu:I see, well how are you going to tell that to Murrue I mean both of you are close right

Jude: Later I'll tell you this but you can at least tell you about ZAFT's Operation Spitbreak since that plan is going to be leak anyway.

Mu: Spitbreak?

Jude explains the whole plan of Operation Spitbreak on how it will start and the ending of the operation and most of all Rau was the one planning on leaking the info about it as well how the EA plans to use Cyclops System.

Mu:..... I see Rau is going to be there and more huh.

Jude:Yeah I am still thinking of the reason of why did he do that and ask if anyone from the EA side about the Atlantic Federation getting tip from someone to confirm if its going to happen. Which I know the reason of his but for now we have to worried about the current times

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