Seed 17 - A Change Outcome

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3rd POV

After hanging out with Cagalli, Jude is now in his assign room but making sure they are no bug of any kind luckily there isn't on what Jude is doing right now is sting on the chair with his personal laptop on the desk the one displayed right now is Lacus Clyne calling from wherever she is and on a private line.

Jude:..... So Chairman Zala has made already two Gundams?

Lacus: Yes the ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam alongside it's sibling the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.

On how Lacus is communicating before Mira brought her alongside Nicol to Athrun he had a private conversation with Lacus in that conversation he gve her a communication device to either call him or using her laptop like device to attach it to communicate with him.

Jude: Good to know but first off Lacus are you sure you want me to have the Freedom as to return the favor of me rescuing you? If ZAFT were to get wind of the Freedom getting stolen they might suspect you and the rest of those related to Clyne of being traitors?

Lacus: Thank you for worrying but we need a way stop this war from escalating and I know you and your team can do that.

Now I am grateful on future knowledge since this is both a curse and a blessing and if Siegel Clyne survive, there is a possibility that he will be the leader of PLANT and ZAFT but I doubt that he will be the leader but to pass that to Duraldal

Jude: At times I forget you are very deep and philosophical person, Lacus.

Lacus giggling at the compliment Jude said to her.

Lacus: And your getting taller yourself Commander.

Jude: I'll take that as a compliment but moving on what are your alongside your father and those related to him planning once I acquire the Freedom?

Lacus: I already have a long talk with my father of what you told me about Operation Spitbreak on how a few knew the plan with my father being left in the dark and not approve of the PLANT Supreme Council all of which were confirm to be true knowing for the fact my family can't do anything about it for now only trying to persuade our people my father wants to entrust the Freedom to you and my payment but what my father and the others are going to do is go into hiding which is currently almost completed with me with the ship having the Freedom.

Jude: Wait your saying is were not doing the illusion of the Freedom being stolen unintentional anymore?

Lacus: Yes before the Freedom was on its way to the meet up point my father believe it would be better for me to flee and join up with you instead of hiding somewhere since chances of me getting killed are high if I and those related to me if we remain PLANT is high.

Jude: Well he's not wrong anyway what's the name of the ship you and the Freedom are using and currently in?

Lacus: Its full name name is the FFMH-Y101 Eternal with Andrew Waltfeld.

Jude: Wait Andrew Waltfeld I thought he was killed back at Desert Dawn?

Lacus: Seeminlgy killed but by some luck he and Aisha survive was brought to PLANTs and they swore loyalty to my father.

Jude think for a second his NewType Senses telling him that Andrew and Aisha aren't spies, which is a good thing.

Jude: I see but be careful on your way to the meet up point.

Lacus: I will Commander..

Jude: And may the Force be with you.

Lacus: Force?

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