Seed Destiny 18 - Battle At the Requiem And Messiah

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Stella POV - Few hours before the first shot

Stella is on the Phenex gundam as where Stella is, Stella is on the Archangel since I asked the men to help Stella to bring the Phenex gundam and now from what Stella Hear they are heading out

As Stella activates the Gundam and uses a system to open the back door of the Archangel and the door it's open as I go out now.

Stella:Stella Loussier, Phenex Gundam, flying away

Now I got out as I turn the Gundam to the battle and Stella saw they are fighting as Stella close by eyes and open it now as Stella sends out the Armed Armor DE to help commander Teves since Full told me already about him and now I felt like I am fighting with my friends as I open up a Beam saber on my forearm and draw it as I cut of DINNs and GINNs as well the ZAKUs along with those New Mobile suit

Stella:Full please can you help me

Now I saw a monitor was risen up and to see the words of NT-D then a blue streaks goes over it and it goes down and Stella feel the chair it's moving

3rd POV

On the Phenex gundam we can see the Panels are opening up along with the Wings goes back to the back of the Phenex gundam and blue streaks goes opening up until the head was showing the face of the Phenex

On the other hand the two Gundam pilots are shocked to see the Phenex on the air once more while for Jude he knows the who but the answer when..

Jude:When did Stella got here?

Cagalli:Is that the Phenex gundam

Mu:Looks like it

Mu sends out the DRAGOONs and shooting down the ZAFT as the sametime Nine sends out the Fin Funnels as well and firing every weapons he had to the Storm Freedom

As for Stella she goes around with two Beam Saber on hand and cuts down every ZAFT mobile suit since she didn't know the mission but she has a guide and it's Full as he told her to make way for the Unicorn while Jude fires his shields and as well his Hyper Bazooka to the Storm Freedom while he saw there is new contacts and to turn to see it's the Savoir, Destiny and Impulse Gundams

As Jude saw the Gundams are damaged while the Savoir was on Mobile suit form and lost both legs and an arm while the Impulse uses the Force Pack while the Destiny was in top conditions as Jude contact's them.

Jude:What the hell happen to you Arthun

Athrun:Sorry, we were spotted abit early

Jude:I see, go to the Eternal the Justice it's waiting for you as well with the METEOR Pack

Athrun just nodded and log off as the Savior heads to the Eternal.

Jude:Luna, Shinn go to the right side, we have those new Mobile suit and it reminds us the combat prowess of the Freedom

Lunamaria:Ah, those are Storm Freedom

Jude:Storm Freedom?

Shinn:Top of the line and new protection based on the Freedom and the Experimental GuAIZ

Jude:I see thanks for the info now I need you both to deal damage to the repaired Requiem once you're done help out in the battlefield, I'll send you both the file.

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