Seed Destiny 3 - Patrick's Loyalists and Char's Radicals

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3rd POV

On near the planet Sun we can see its blazing hot as it if its a symbol of Humanity's Hate as we change we can see a few Mobile Workers are setting up on something and on this location its the Junius Seven, the same place where the grave of the first Bloody Valentines day and around it we can see Mobile suit are carrying the same rockets from the Axis Base and most all of them Mobile suit around it are under of Char's Color and Partick's as well as they called themselves are 'The Neo ZAFT'

Neo ZAFT:Solar wind velocity remains the same, Flare level at S3. Estimated arrival time:30 seconds

Neo ZAFT:Base Rockets are coming in the rear and installing to all teams to help them out

Neo ZAFT:Beginning countdown to flare motor and rocket activation

Now all the Mobile suit's and Workers are done as they pulled back and being ready right now

Neo ZAFT:Ten..... Nine... Eight.... Seven..... Six.... Five.... Four.... Three... Two.... One.... Junius Seven Base has started to move

Now we can see the Junius Seven started to move as these people want to recreate the Axis Shock but this time there is no Unicorn to save them this time since there are part of ZAFT members can't let go of their hate while on a one part of the space we can see a alot of Mobile suit from the first space war as we saw a GINN with a Katana as its a High Maneuver type and its colored black and purple this is the ZGMF-1017M2 GINN High Maneuver Type II and inside of the cockpit we can see a few photos. 

As we look on the pilot we can see he is a Green Pilot as he has Brown eyes and Dark Blue hair while hearing a ZAFT Pilot suit thi this is Sato leader of this group called the 'The Neo ZAFT'

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As we look on the pilot we can see he is a Green Pilot as he has Brown eyes and Dark Blue hair while hearing a ZAFT Pilot suit thi this is Sato leader of this group called the 'The Neo ZAFT'

Sato:Allen... Christine, I'll see you again once this is over

Now outside we can see the Junius Seven Base is still moving as it breaks away from the location while on the GINN High Maneuver Type II, Sato looks at the cockpit's monitor to see the Junuse Seven Base is on course

Sato:Now fall! Our great tombstone! On a world that has forgotten the voices of sorrow, that closes it's eyes to reality and continues to live veiled in the shroud of deception

Now on another angel we can see Earth and a close up shot from the Junius Seven Base

Sato:Remember this lesson well! Even from that time of Unicorn nothing will let go of hate while there are some people are looking at Naturals and Coordinator as if they are equal!!

Jude POV

Now I was starting to awake right now as I saw Cagalli was atop of me while Eta was near my face well half of her body is as our clothes are all over the room right now while I start to move them on the side of the bed while removing the blanket around me and I look at them to see their naked bodies right now as I go to my computer to re-read the destiny plan once more since I saw something that interested me and if I remember it right it's somewhere on a lot of scrolling down since it involving from the FREEDOM arc but I saw the same woman and as about to read it someone called my office and come on guys let a guy read this important file and now I answer it

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