Seed 5 - Soar to the Stars, Unicorn

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3rd POV

Right now alot of Shadow personal are checking up all their pilots and the captured ZAFT pilot and its Mobile suit, GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam that they got on the battle and they gave him some medical treatment meanwhile with Jude he was parking his Mobile suit in between of one Personal Shinaju and the Unicorn which is done as they are on the work there as a incoming call from the Earth Alliance Flagship, Montgomery and the new capitol ship the Archangel - class ship Archangel  and on the screen its the captain of the flagship is Coopman, a human male wearing a formal brown suit, his hair is Brown and his eyes are yellow, this is George Allster a Vice-Minister of the Atlantic Federation and Flay Allster's father.

Jude:What is it 

Coopman:Well for starters thank you young man and your help as well the tactical plan you have gave us and I want to know why did Captain Ramius let you join on her travels and how did you get those Mobile suits in you

Jude:Look as I want to answer your question I gave you a short version, the reason why I join the travel coz I offer her my assistant on this one plus I like traveling and if you have plans to ask me a report let me send it to you later for now we need check up on everything 

Ramius:Sir, Jude is right we need check up on everything as well our Equipment, Jude can we let Mira stay on your ship since you have more staff to check up the Strike

Jude:As I want to ma'am but I need Mira to stay on your ship and now a question why is a civilian doing here on military ops as well on a active battlefield  

Right now most of the military higher ups are looking at George since they know he is a civilian and both Ramius and Coopman knows that civilian is not allow to participate military ops

Coopman:Well I understand protocol but the Vice - Minister wants to meet up his Daughter and as well you 

Jude:For now how about we meet up on a few hours since I need to check up my men 

Ramius:Sure we have no problem and plus its understandable since you have to take care you own men as well 

With that Ramius end her call right now its just Coopman along with George right now  

George:I just like to gave a quick thank you for defending both me and my Daughter Mr. Teves 

With that the call was ended and he step out of the Kshatriya while he saw the Blitz infront of him while he saw some medics are giving medical to him while he float down as to see Philips going to him 

Philips:Good job kid you look like hammered shit

Jude:Well that's the life of a Mobile suit/Gundam Pilot plus what's with the Blitz and why do we have it 

Philips:Well as you were fighting that ZAFT commander two proto-Mobile suit was going to attack the ship but lucky to that pilot he is still like as well the 'Blitz' as you called it by the way the other one what's the name of it, the color patter of brown, black, red and blue 

Jude:If memeory serves me right its the GAT-X103 Buster Gundam, a Prototype Artillery Mobile Suit and the one we got on this ship its the GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam, a Prototype Stealth Mobile Suit plus you guys are lucky that the Blitz got hit since it got some PS armor before going stealth mode plus the radar can pick up the location of the Blitz and right now I want a take a bath right  now   

With that they left the hanger, Meanwhile at the flagship of Rau Le Creuset, The Vesalius and on the room where its near located of the Mobile suits we can see alot of men are maintaining the mobile suit and as well the Proto-mobile suit that was stolen this group are the three guys who pilot the Prototype, they are Athrun Zala, Yzak Joule and Dearka Elsman  

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