Seed Destiny 12 - Breaking the Wings of Freedom Part Two

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3rd POV

We can see Jude is in his office since he is making a new Gundam for Nine by using the Bilz Gundam and the Heavy Duel Gundam but he can't got some Ideas since it was abit impossible for him since the Heavy Duel is build for Heavy Artillery while the Biltz is build for Stealth now he just stop for awhile since now he opens the window to see the sea since now he is on the Archangel

As Jude looks on the window to see familiar GOUF and it was Agnes Color sicne they are near the location

Jude:Looks like we are going to move out already

Now Jude goes to a counsel and called up the bridge right now

Murrue:What is it Jude

Jude:Sorry Murrue it seems like we are going to move out early

Murrue:I see but take care alright

Jude:I know

Now on the Minerva's location, the said ship is damaged but it still can carries to the waters and fly to the air while a Gunner and a Phantom ZAKU Blaze are defending the Minerva but they got a hard time since the Narrative Gundam, using the B pack, is there opponent along with the Phenex Gundam while the Chaos, Abyss and Gaia are busy with the Zeta, Aegis and Impulse while Angles' Slash and the Savoir are picking off Every Daggers and Windams with the EA they are using eveypack they can use right now

Though Phantom Pain receive their orders to attack the Minerva but affter this they will join in attacking Orb while for Neo he was fighting the Aegis since he knows about the Aegis so he saw the Agies was back on its Mobile suit form and send out his Wired Funnles and fires it to the Aegis while Nicol was in a pich right now since he can do anything since he was tired on the wave atfer wave that EA send to them so he draws the Beam Saber and charred right in

Neo:You poor pilot but I comened that fighting spirit so die

So he fired his Missile Launcher on his sheild as about to hit Nicoll the missile was hit as now the Ageils was covered by a smoke


As he looks around to see smoke as the smoke started to clear out to see the Lost limbs of the Ageis and with it is the Freedom Gundam with all of it's guns ready and pointed at while Neo felt it once more the same feeling a few opersations ago


As Neo was clear of his mind since now he has one mission, to kill Freedom right now as it charged in while on the land we can see an Orange GOUF as it's now battling with the Gaia Amber Blond hair and Green eyes, this is Heine Westenfluss a member of FAITH and Pilot of the new GOUF Ignited


While he fires its Beam Machican Arm as the Gaia was on its Mobile Armor mode and in timely she was trap as Heine was about to kill her a golden shield was pierced onto his Mobile suit and he looks down to see it was a familiar wing and and it exploded as we follow the wing to see it was the Phoenix since Full felt Stella's endangerment now he looks to the other diction to see the Freedom

Mira from inside the Freedom looks at the Phoenix though she was aware she needs to buy time until Jude gets rid of the other Gundam Type Mobile Suit and high propability in losing but buying time was important then she takes a deep breath igniting her determination and requirement in acitvating SEED Mode as she shoots at the Phoenix drawing its attention to thee assign location to which the Golden Bird follows.

While the Phoenix fires his Beam Magnum onto the Freedom and as well sending his wings as well to fire since he is now an expert on this since he felt that the Heavy Duel is with him now

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