Chapter 8

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"You're taking me out?" Paul asked as Y/N took his hand and guided him out of the club he was performing in.

"It'll be good for you." She smiled as they made their way down the sidewalk toward a small park. Paul dragged behind her with a confused expression.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked, taking glances at the random people who stared at them.

"To the park." She replied, hastily. The entrance to the park was nearly in sight. This had to work. She knew it. With her time in the past, the least she could do was help her new friends.

"The park?" Paul repeated as they came upon the entrance. The sky was warm with color and children could be heard playing in the long green grass. They went in and Y/N jumped up on top of a picnic table.

"Alright, McCartney! We're getting that song today!" Y/N declared, stomping her foot on the top of the table. Paul looked at her confused as ever.

"Song? George told you about it, huh?" Paul asked with a smile.

"Why wouldn't he?" She smirked, putting her hands on her hips.

"True," Paul replied, jumping up on the table with her. "So, what's the plan?"

She shrugged.

"Just look around and see if you find something." She suggested. Paul peered around the park. Y/N waited, impatiently.

"The problem..." Paul began, "Is that it's a love song."

"And?" She asked, not quite understanding why this would be an issue.

"I don't have anyone to share that with," Paul explained, holding his head in his hands. "The song doesn't feel genuine."

"Why not write a song about someone you made up? Like your dream date, or something like that." Y/N suggested. Paul shook his head, disappointedly.

"That's not how I see things, luv." He replied with a slight smirk. He looked into her eyes with deep agony. He was in song purgatory.

"Sorry..." She said, looking at the ground. A brightness glowed in his eye.

"Well, actually you may have just sparked something. I need to get back to the band!" Paul said suddenly as he dashed off the picnic table. Y/N stood there shocked by his sudden urgency.

"Okay! I'll be at my job or something!" She called after him. Honestly, she was frazzled by the encounter. It all had happened so quickly. Did Scott need any help this late? It wouldn't hurt to check. Y/N made her way to the music shop that stood dormant. The lights were off and she couldn't see Scott.

"Y/N?" A voice asked behind her. She spun around to see Scott with a confused look. Beside him was a dark-haired broad who looked rather displeased with her.

"Hey, Scott. I was just wondering if you needed any help with the shop. I was just bored..." Y/N explained with a shaky grin. Scott smiled while the broad gave her the sharpest glare.

"I appreciate it." Scott remarked, "I don't need any extra help right now, but the offer was reassuring. I thought you were coming to quit." He was flustered and sweating. It was as if the sun had been beaming down at him.

"Oh well, then I'll be on my way." She replied and started making her way down the block.

"Wait!" The broad shouted, "Why don't you introduce me, Scott." Face lighting up with horror, Scott sheepishly grinned.

"Uh, Shirley this is Y/N." Scott motioned towards both of them.

"A pleasure." Shirley hissed, her eyes locked on Y/N. Giving the best smile she could, she nodded at her.

"Very." She replied, trying to avoid her gaze.

"Well, it would be best if we were on our way." Scott tried to steer the girls apart.

"By the way, I thought you could come to the next Beatles performance. It will get you out of the house!" Y/N said quickly. The whole point of inviting him originally was to get him a girlfriend, but he had found one.

"Oh, cool! I'll be sure to check it out." Scott said as he and Shirley walked away. With the situation being awkward and embarrassing enough, Y/N went home to her apartment. As she walked up the stairs to her home, she thought of what Paul was doing. She mostly just wanted a distraction before the embarrassing moment would come flooding back into her mind. Reaching her apartment, she noticed the door was unlocked. She had locked it, hadn't she? Y/N slowly cracked the door open, who knows who was in there? Then she heard a loud bang! The sound of the harmonic rang through the walls. Wait...this was...

"Love, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true"

It had worked! Somehow she had gotten the song into Paul's head. He must have rushed back to try and put it together with John and the other lads. Even with all of the charm of these performers, she couldn't help but wonder...HOW IN THE WORLD THEY GOT INTO HER APARTMENT?! Being the polite guest she was, she let them finish.

"What in the world are you doing in my apartment!?" Y/N asked, charmed, but still nervous by their entry.

"We came here to play you a song, Luv," Paul remarked cheerfully. A childish smile was spread across his face. John was blowing into his harmonic while George played a guitar rift alongside him.

"How did you get in?" She asked.

John stopped blowing into his harmonica.

"Ringo was a pretty good lock picker back in the day," John exclaimed with a chuckle. The band laughed at his explanation. It made her smile, even if it was a crime. (That night she rethought the remark, nevertheless).

"Who knew that Paul would come up with this song just by seeing you stand on a table!" George laughed. Paul turned bright red.

"George!" He hissed, but the band laughed immensely. She snickered a bit too. The others began to pack up their things. Paul walked over to Y/N. "Would you want to go to a dance with me?" He asked, a glowing smile.

"You know I would."

"WHAT IS ALL THAT RACKET????" A voice called from down the hall.

"Good job guys."

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, life goes on! (The Beatles X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now