Chapter 16

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Y/N sat alone. George was going to meet her. It's terrifying that John and George were alive again, but what else could have happened to her? Who knew that minding someone's own business would end up causing her to go back in time and mess up the entire Beatles timeline while still being in the middle of a broken timeline. 

"Hiya," George appeared behind her and they sat together on the bench.

"Hey." She replied with a smile. It was strange to see him aged. His smile never wavered as they sat in silence. 

"Apparently Paul wants us to talk to you and all." He explained, "Something about time travel and timelines?" Y/N laughed at how ridiculous it all sounded. 

"Sounds about right." She giggled as George pulled out his phone. George Harrison with a modern day phone was something she had never even thought of.  He pulled up a picture that had been recovered from the sixties. It was all of them sitting together in the park . 

"Feels like forever ago, but for you it must feel like only a year or so." George reminisced. "I have to say it was a shock to learn of all this. I mean you are the reason our band...broke up." He frowned as she put her head in her hands. 

"That wasn't supposed to happen." She whispered, remembering the car crash. It was all a blur. The car had appeared out of no where and she had no idea what it would do to the Beatles. "I'm sorry." 

"What is there to be sorry for?" George asked, "We're all alive. Wasn't that your mission in the first place?" 

"Not exactly. I was supposed to keep you guys from breaking up...John and you surviving was supposed to be a bonus." She explained, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. George thought to himself for a minute. 

"I know everything didn't go to plan." He said, "But it doesn't mean you can't fix it." He grabbed her hand. "You should be proud of what you've accomplished." 

"Yes, my amazing accomplishment of causing one of the biggest bands of all time to not exist!" She pulled her hand away, looking at the ground. George wanted to reach out, but decided against it. 

"You should be proud that you gave us the time of our lives! It's strange to think you were never supposed to be there when you became such a huge part of our lives." George argued, "We didn't know a timeline without you. We only have the one you and Paul created and we are grateful for the time you spent with us. We would've given anything back in the day to save you from the car crash.' He smiled as bright as the sun. She gave him a hug. That's what she needed. Someone who could see the good in her. 

"I wish things could've gone better." She muttered to George's surprise. 

"Yet for all the bad moments...there were good moments too. I think even cranky old Paul could see that." He laughed. She chuckled at his remark, but she still had a feeling of pain and regret building in her stomach. What if she had never done this? She wouldn't have made friends with people she adored, but everything would be normal. Well, sometimes normal isn't good. Things need to be changed...just maybe not this drastically. 

"What happened to you after the band broke up?" She asked, leaning back in the bench. George shrugged. 

"Gardening. I wrote music mostly on the side. I had people tell me I should try for a solo career, but I never found the right time." He said, watching some kids chase their dog down the side walk.  

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, life goes on! (The Beatles X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now