Chapter 24 (The John Ending)

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"Who first?" Paul asked, tapping the book.

Y/N thought for a moment, pondering who she wished to see. There was George and Ringo who had helped her through many tough times. Paul was standing right in front of her, but she hadn't considered John. Her musical friend that she went out with was truly someone she wanted to see. 

"John." She smiled, thinking of the kindness and silliness that he brought. Paul nodded, pointing to a green door that was surrounded by pages of sheet music. That was strange. The Beatles couldn't read sheet music...or at least most of it. Shrugging it off, Y/N walked over to the door and turned the knob. Inside John was sitting with his guitar. Soundboards covered the walls and the notes bounced off the walls as he played. 

"Y/N." He smiled, resting his guitar on the floor. He walked over to her and gripped her in a large hug. He had long hair now and it got in her face, but it only made her laugh. 

"Hey, John." She replied, looking into his eyes. They still held the mischief she always remembered.

"I was wondering when you would come back. I counted the days." He twirled her around. She laughed as he did a little dance for her. 

"Some people never change." Y/N looked around the room. John laughed and pointed to her book. 

"May I see?" He asked as she handed the book to him. He flipped through the pages until he found his section which was titled, "John's Photo Lessons". 

"Photo Lessons?" She asked, wondering what he meant by the saying. John smirked, tapping the page. 

"They're photos of all the instruments I've played. I even put notes on how to play the instruments." He explained, showing a picture of him playing his guitar and a note that was taped next to it. 

"You did all of this for me? I'm surprised you didn't sell this." She laughed, staring at the other instruments. 

"We'll have to continue our guitar lessons." He said, picking up his guitar. "What song my dear?" 

"I actually have a better idea." Y/N replied, "Got a piano?" John pointed to a set of double doors next at the back of the room. Y/N and John ran over and opened the doors, findings a giant grand piano. They pushed and heaved the piano into the main room. John gasped for breath as the piano finally made it into the main room. 

"What's the piano for?" He asked, wiping off his clothes. 

"A song...a good song." She smirked, pulling the bench up to the piano and sitting down. She played a little tune to warm up and John leaned on the piano. 

"You've peaked my interest." He replied, waiting for her to begin playing. She took a deep breath and began to play the familiar tune. John's face changed as he realized what she was playing. 

"Imagine there's no heaven." Y/N sang, "It's easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us, only sky." The room shifted and the place became bare. John's hair retracted to his familiar mop-top. He looked around amazed like he was in a foreign place. 

"Imagine all the people. Living for today!" He continued with a joyous smile. He cheered as the place changed. 

"Ah!" They joined together in harmony as the room finally settled. Y/N continued to play on the piano, smiling and thanking her brain for remembering how to play. Then of course she played a wrong note and she looked worriedly at John. He just smiled at her and nodded for her to continue. She felt so relieved that he didn't care. 

"Imagine there's no countries." He bursted out, owning and commanding the "stage" they had created. 

"It isn't hard to do!" She added, kicking the seat away and playing standing up. John danced around the room, embracing the music that he lived by. He was so lively and young again. 

"Nothing to kill or die for!" He acted dramatically, placing a hand to his temple. He pretended to be in dismay and despair as he sang. It was true that he was milking it. 

"And no religion, too!" Y/N wished she could do that same, but someone had to provide the backing track. Might as well be someone who knew it. 

"Imagine all the people! Living life in peace. Ah!" They smiled and cheered, acting like ten year olds on a playground. It's what they needed after everything that had happened. John had lived an entire lifetime while she had only lived a quarter of that. He hadn't seen her in years while it felt like just yesterday she saw the young spry John singing in her apartment. 

"You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us...and the world will be as one." She continued, thinking about all the time she had spent with John. He was the one she spent the most time with it felt like. They went on a bike ride, danced in a restaurant, went to a museum, and even met John's aunt...even if that was the day Y/N got hit by a car. It all seemed like a lifetime some ways it was. She stopped playing the piano and turned to John, who was confused. She then ran up and hugged him. "Thanks for everything." She whispered. John blushed, not knowing what to say. He stumbled on his words, trying to form a sentence. 

"'re welcome and...thank you for everything..." He replied, lip quivering. He hugged her back, squeezing her hard. "I'm pretty sure I missed you more than the others....not trying to brag." She laughed at his remark as the stood in silence. "So how about that guitar lesson?" He strolled over to his guitar and picked it up. he had a large goofy grin on his face and Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes. 

"Okay..." She smirked, running over to join him. They sat on the floor as John taught her more chords. 

"I forgot how good you were." He smiled. Y/N blushed and said, 

"Very funny." She looked at the frets on the guitar, trying to determine the chord progression John had taught her. 

"I'm serious." He replied, pointing to three frets she needed to press. "You're better than a lot of people I know...of course that doesn't include most of the people that you and I both know collectively." 

"Okay, Mr. Know it all." She replied, strumming the chord. "Thanks for the compliment and the insult at the same time." John bit his lip, thinking he said something wrong. Y/N immediately knew she overstepped. "I was joking, John." 

"Good because I thought you were serious! I would never want to insult you! You're amazing and stuff and--" John was cut-off by a kiss from Y/N. He looked at her shocked, but not appalled.

"Took you long enough. I thought you were never going to kiss me!" He remarked, giving her a peck on the lips back. 

"I guess I just wanted to torture you." She replied. 

"I guess it is a well earned reward for such agonizing pain." He replied. She shook her head and the two laughed. 

"A reward for two." She said, staring into his eyes. He smiled at her and set his guitar down so he could lay on his back. Y/N did the same. 

"Only for me and you." He finally said as the two laid in silence, wondering what the future held for the both of them. 

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, life goes on! (The Beatles X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now