After the sing along at the diner, everyone was on better terms. John, Paul, and George were finally talking to each other again and everything seemed almost perfect. That was until--
"Who took my writing?" Y/N asked, searching through her drawer where she kept her book drafts. Ringo was looking through a magazine and looked up at her.
"Someone took your what?" He asked, walking over and looking into the drawer.
"My writing. It's missing!" Y/N panics. She had wrote a few chapters during her stay in the 1960s and she was hoping to take it with her back to her time.
"Well, let's find it!" Ringo walked out of her room and began searching the living room. The others were in the kitchen making dinner for the five of them. George noticed Ringo's sudden urgency as he threw pillows off the couch.
"What are you doing?" George took off his apron. He was mixing cookie batter for dessert.
"Y/N lost her writing." He explained, George began looking too and then John joined. Paul was trying to manage all the different course that the others were supposed to be working on. Y/N continued searching in her bedroom. Where had she put her writing? She was hoping to share it with the the others tonight.
"Are any of you going to come back and finish cooking?" Paul asked, but everyone ignored him. He glared at them as he continued to try and multitask. Y/N finally determined that her writing wasn't in her room, so she went out to help the others.
"Any luck?" She asked as everyone shook their heads. Paul looked away from everyone. John was under the dining table, searching through a basket that she had shoved under there a couple days before.
"Are you sure it's not in your bedroom?" George asked, sitting on the couch.
"Believe me it's not in there." She replied as they all thought for a moment.
"Is it at the studio?" John asked. That could be a possibility, but she hadn't brought her writing to the studio in a couple days. Paul seemed more annoyed than ever as he finished mixing the cookie batter. They kept suggesting things that seemed realistic, but she was always able to shoot down. Finally, Paul had had enough.
"Okay I took her writing!" He blurted, causing everyone to look at him with confusion. He couldn't have possibly taken her writing. She had never shared its location before.
"Really?" She asked a little defensive. He nodded, embarrassed. He walked over to his bag and pulled out her writing. He also pulled out another set of papers with music notes scribbled on it.
"Your work inspired a song." He said, handing his bandmates a set of music. "I call it 'Paperback Writer'." She watched him curiously as the others grabbed their instruments that were sitting in the corner of the room.
"I think that's rather lovely, but I don't think we should play it here. You know what happened last time..." She said, nervously. She didn't exactly want to be kicked out of her apartment. Paul made sure everything was turned off in the kitchen before motioning for them to follow him into the hallway. George and Ringo ran after him while John winked at Y/N. He led her out of her apartment and down the stairs. The others had already raced ahead and she could see them somewhere in the distance. John let out a chuckle as they ran up to the park nearby. At the entrance, people were parting for her to pass through. People were watching her and John move towards where the others were set up.
"Wait here." John smiled as he ran over to join the others. People watched her with bright smiles and cheering.
"Hello everyone." Paul yelled, "We have a new song to sing for you all more specifically, that lovely lady right there." He pointed at Y/N. She blushed as everyone looked at her again. "This song was based on what she does and what she loves to do. I hope you all get a chance to read her writing." Paul nodded to the others.
"Paperback writer (paperback writer)." They began to sing and the crowd cheered. Y/N blushed at the familiar song. "Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book? It took me years to write, will you take a look? It's based on a novel by a man named Lear. And I need a job. So I wanna be a paperback writer. Paperback writer." Her blushed deepened as people began to join in and crowd her. Girls were screaming in jealous rage and some were crying. Even some of the men were yelling in fury.
"She's so lucky!" One woman screamed loudly.
"It's a dirty story of a dirty man. And his clinging wife doesn't understand. His son is working for the Daily Mail. It's a steady job. But he wants to be a paperback writer. Paperback writer." They continued as they pointed at Y/N every now and again. Kids were dancing and she joined in with some of the younger kids. "Paperback writer (paperback writer)." She couldn't believe that they had written a song basically about what she did. It made her feel like she was going to cry. It made her think about the future as she wondered if she had fixed it or not. Was it some what back to normal again? "It's a thousand pages, give or take a few. I'll be writing more in a week or two. I could make it longer if you like the style. I can change it 'round. And I wanna be a paperback writer. Paperback writer."
"They wrote a song about her!" Another person screamed and Y/N couldn't help but try and conceal a laugh.
"If you really like it you can have the rights. It could make a million for you overnight. If you must return it you can send it here. But I need a break. And I wanna be a paperback writer. Paperback writer." Now everyone knew the lyrics and she began to sing along as well. Paul smiled at her as they finished the song with the repeated line, "Paperback writer". Once they were finished. Each ran up to her one at a time to give her a hug. First was Ringo who almost tripped on his way. next came George who shyly got past a few people before giving her a gentle hug. Next came John who kissed her hand jokingly in front of the screaming people. Last came Paul who gave her the warmest smile.
"Are you going away soon?" He asked out of the blue. She suddenly knew that they had to talk, but she didn't want this moment to end as she basked in the attention that she rarely got. After the band and her escaped the crowd, they went back to her apartment and Paul and Y/N talked in the kitchen.
"Did you have one of those weird dreams again or something?" She asked, making sure the others weren't eavesdropping.
"You could say that." He said, "It didn't show me much...just a better future for everyone and I know you want to go home, luv." Smiling at her, he handed her writing to her. She smiled.
"I appreciate all you've done for me." She said, softly. He let out a chuckle.
"I think we are the ones who should be saying that." He smiled as the others appeared behind her. "We've been working on a song that can take you into the future. You know without being hit by a car." She hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. George and John gave each other a competitive look. Turning around, she kissed each of them on the cheek.
"We'll send you back tomorrow." George clapped his hands together as they sat down at the dining table.

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, life goes on! (The Beatles X Reader)
Roman d'amourA young girl meets present-day Paul McCartney who sends her back in time to save the Beatles. #1 in the quarrymen 2/7/23 #1 in ringostarrxreader 2/12/23 #1 in gerogeharrisonxreader 2/22/23 #2 in paulmccartney 3/15/23 #1 in paulmccartney 3/16/23 #3 i...