Chapter 12

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It had been a busy day by Y/N standards. John had showed her every inch of the museum and then some. His love and passion for music was nothing short of extraordinary. It made her smile knowing his passion was so genuine. She also had gotten the chance to meet his Aunt who had invited her to dinner the next day and she couldn't lie...she was nervous. John didn't seem like he wanted them to meet and Y/N wasn't sure it was good idea. They had known each other for a year, but most of that was through friendship, not love. It gave her a bad feeling, but she didn't want to be rude and cancel.

"You can do this!" She whispered to herself when she got home from the museum. Her nerves were creeping up on her. What could she do to calm her down. Music could calm her down. She went over to the piano and played a small tune before thinking of a song she enjoyed to play at home. While she didn't know the entire Queen song she couldn't help but play a part of it. She began to play Bohemian Rhapsody...or at least the part she knew.

"Mama, Just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead..." She sang softly. When she was younger, one of her favorite piano parts of a song was Bohemian Rhapsody. She decided to go out and learn a bit of it and now she never would have guessed she would be playing it in the 1960s. Yes, it was strange, but thrilling all the same. She tried her best to play quietly after what the Beatles did for her the year before. Her neighbors had been fussy about her music playing ever since. It bothered her to an extent as she now could practice at their studio instead. Playing into the night, it wasn't long after that she decided sleep would do her some good, especially if she was meeting John's family.

The next day, Y/N awoke to frantic knocking on the door. She jumped out of bed and rushed to the door.

"Y/N!" John banged louder on the door.

"Hold on! Hold on!" She yelled, unlocking the door. As the door unlocked John rushed in. "John, what's wrong?" 

"My aunt wanted me to pick you up for dinner." He fiddled with his suit jacket. Y/N raised an eyebrow at him. 

"It's like 6 in the morning." She narrowed her eyes. Joh nodded. 

"Exactly! That means I have all the time in the world to prepare you for the absolute monster my aunt is!" John sighed, walking over to the couch to sit down. 

"Why would you call your aunt a monster?" Y/N sat beside him, curiously.

"She's very strict and doesn't let do I say myself." John explained. Y/N patted his shoulder, getting up to go to the kitchen. She began to boil some hot water and grab a tea packet. 

"So, are you planning just to camp out here until we have to go?" She called from the kitchen. John groaned. 

"No, I'm going to live here. My aunt won't find me as long as I am here." He took his shoes off and laid on her couch. 

"You don't live with your aunt, do you?" Y/N asked, waiting for the tea to be done. 

"No of course not, but she knows where I live!" John groaned, shoving his face into the decorative pillows. Rolling her eyes, Y/N set the cup of tea on the coffee table in front of the couch. 

"Alright. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" She asked, looking down at him from where she stood. 

"Well..." he muttered, "You could let me live here." 

"Or I can come with you tonight and we will put on the best show for your aunt. Then you can go back to life as normal. Were not hiding from the police, John." Y/N explained, shaking her head in dismay. 

"It might as well be!" He spat, thinking about his aunt as he sulked on the couch. Pushing him off the couch and on to the ground, Y/N sat down. 

"Will you at least try my idea?" She asked, crossing her legs and glaring at him. He looked at her furiously.

"Fine." He mumbled, "But only because you will be there...and maybe the rest of the band." 

"Wait, what! Why didn't you tell me about this!" Y/N gasped. The whole band was going to be there? What if they found out about what she had told John's aunt? Some of that wasn't even true! What was she going to do? 

"I knew you wouldn't come if I told you." John cried into the floor. 

"I'm still coming...I'm just disappointed in you." Y/N muttered. 

"You're just like my aunt!" John yelled. She rolled her eyes again.

"John, please!" She hissed, standing up. He copied her action and followed her as she walked into the kitchen. 

"Like I said we should just hide here for the rest of our lives!" John explained. Well, that could definitely never happen. The inly good it would bring was that he would still be alive in the future. He wouldn't have a life at that point though.

"You know we can't do that." Y/N replied. They just had to bite the bullet. It was their best option whether they liked it or not. 

"I don't want to go..." John mumbled, turning around and noticing the piano. "Maybe a song will cheer us up." He strolled over to the piano. Playing a small warm up, John began to play "Please Please me"

"That's not a piano song." Y/M smirked walking over to watch beside him. 

"Any song can be a piano song." John replied, humming the melody. He sang a bit of it and Y/N listened beside him. It was slowly bringing a smile to both of their faces. She decided to sing parts of the chorus with him. Above all, she didn't want him to know that she already knew the song. It had already released, but she wanted to be safe and not sorry. 

"I like this one." She smiled after he finished playing. Leaning in, she gave him a hug. "It seems you were able to cheer me up." 

"I knew you would like that you like all our songs." John smirked. 

"That might change some day." Y/N giggled. She could already think of some examples of songs she wasn't as fond of. 

"I doubt that." John remarked, playing a lively tune on the piano. "Are you going to play me a song?" Y/N blushed. What if she messed up in front of the John Lennon. 

"I don't know..." 

"I bet you're a natural." He stood up and motioned for her to sit down. Reluctantly she sat down and played little snippets of songs she knew. John listened with a big goofy grin on his face.

"I don't know a lot of songs..." She avoided his eye contact. 

"Well, I liked what you played." He smiled, trying to look into her eyes. "I thought it was lovely." 

"Lovely enough for you to take on your aunt?" She joked. 

"Well, I don't know if it worked that much..." The two laughed. The rest of their time consisted of reading and talking. It wasn't long before Y/N had to get ready to go have dinner with John's aunt.  

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