Chapter 13

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"John, please pass me the hair pin." Y/N was holding a part of her hair up with her hand. John was making a fuss as he hid behind the couch. From the washroom, Y/N glared at where she guessed he was hiding. "John!" She snapped, walking towards the couch. 

"I don't want to go!" John replied, holding her butterfly hair pin. Reaching over the couch, she quickly snatched it out of his hands. 

"Try better next time." She chuckled, heading back to the washroom and finishing her hair. "We talked about this! It's going to be fine!" John stood up and adjusted his suit. 

"I know, but..." He trailed off. "I just get worried, that's all." He rocked back and forth as he waited for her. Coming out of the bathroom, she did a twirl to show off her light purple dress and butterfly hair pins that held her hair up. He smiled at her appearance and extended his arm for her to take. The two did a small jokeful dance before they exited the apartment. John tried to walk at a tortoise pace, but Y/N pulled him along faster.

"Stop being difficult!" She snapped at him. John groaned as he hoped on his bike, motioning for her to join him. They road down the long streets and down alleyways. It was beginning to grow dark as they arrived at a small house. John parked his bike and led Y/N to the front door. Paul, George, and Ringo were waiting outside. Each one of them dressed up in their usual suits. 

"Hey, Luv." Paul remarked, leading the others behind him. They greeted each other before making their way to the front door. John took a deep breath before knocking on the door. A moment passed before Aunt Mimi welcomed them in. It was a cozy and warm home that made Y/N smile. Pictures of John through out the years were hung on the walls. There were even a few of Paul and John back when they first started playing together. 

"He's grown so much." Aunt Mimi noticed her staring at the pictures. John blushed embarrassed behind them.  Aunt Mimi started talking about the multiple pictures that lined the walls and John had luckily snuck away, leaving Y/N to listen. He sat down at the dining table with the rest of his bandmates. 

"So, when did she become your girlfriend?" Ringo asked, snickering a bit. George and Paul shifted uncomfortably. 

"She isn't supposed to be. It was something we came up with in the heat of the moment." John explained, looking as miserable as ever. 

"If your aunt likes her then she might have to become your girlfriend." Paul remarked, making John sigh. He wanted the night to be over with. This wasn't supposed to happen. He wished he was back in the studio writing music instead. 

"I'm sure this will all be fine, John. Cheer up." George added, fidgeting with his hands. 

"I'm glad someone has some optimism." John muttered, his head on the table. 

"I wouldn't call it optimism." George shrugged, looking away. Ringo didn't seem to care too much about the situation. It didn't bother him like it did the others. There was something he knew that the others didn't and it was that everyone in the band liked Y/N except for himself. For everyone else this was a very uncomfortable situation. Paul was probably jealous and George was to nervous to act properly. Ringo on the other hand could just sit and watch. All he needed was some popcorn so he could truly enjoy the picture he was watching. Aunt Mimi and Y/N walked into the dining room, chatting about John or something. 

"Ringo, Paul can you help me set the table. George you can wait here, I know that you get nervous, dear. John get the waters for everyone." Aunt Mimi directed everyone. Y/N was sat next to where John would sit as she waited for the dinner to commence. George looked embarrassed by what Aunt Mimi had said. 

"Hi, George. Haven't seen you in a day or two." Y/N waved across the table. George blushed and waved back. 

"Hiya, Y/N." He whispered as Paul and Ringo came out with the dinner plates and silver ware. Paul gave George an interesting look that Y/N couldn't quite place in her mind. She brushed it off as Ringo set a plate in front of her. It wasn't too long after when John walked in with a water pitcher and a few water glasses. He set them up around the table and went back into the kitchen to get the food with his aunt. Paul and Ringo returned to their seats. Y/N and John sat on the left side of the table, George and Paul sat on the right, Ringo was on the end next to Paul and John, and Aunt Mimi sat at the front of the table next to George and Y/N. Once they brought out the food they joined together to say a prayer before handing out food. Aunt Mimi had prepared a roast which was dished out to everyone at the table. Once everything was settled and everyone had their food, Aunt Mimi began asking John and Y/N questions about how they met and all that relationship stuff. 

"Well, I actually met George first and then I went to one of their shows and I guess I just really liked John." Y/N was coming up with some sort of backstory that John was trying remember the best he could. He worried that Aunt Mimi would find out they were lying. 

"Well, he was raised to be as you would say 'really liked.'" Aunt Mimi mused, watching John meticulously. Paul glared at John, but George blocked the older woman's view.  

"I try." John said quietly, trying to enjoy his roast. Y/N smiled, pretending to be a girl that was jittery with excitement about her boyfriend. John hated the act, but it was their only saving grace at the moment. 

"Well, it looks like you two are a lovely couple." She remarked. "One I hope to see more of." Another angry look from Paul and John choking on his roast. 

"I hope you will get to see more of us." Y/N replied with the brightest smile. She was the only one smiling. 

"John?" Aunt Mimi asked, looking passed Y/N to stare down John. He stopped eating and he tried avoiding her eye contact. "Why don't you tell me about Y/N? What is it that you like about her?" John blushed. 

"Uh, well she is a very kind and respectful person. She...likes music which is always good and I know she is hiding some sort of secret. Not that I mind, we all have those. I guess she's pretty." John mused. 

"You guess?" Y/N glared at him. He nodded. Paul looked like he was ready to stab John with his fork. George held him back, but he too didn't look very pleased at John's words. 

"Yeah, you guess?" Paul hissed, gripping his fork tightly. 

"That is enough!" Aunt Mimi commanded as everyone turned to look at her. "I should have known John didn't get a girlfriend. He could never love a real woman." John stood up from the table, furiously. 

"And what's that supposed to mean!" He snapped, slamming his hands on the table. "Of course I can love a real woman! Are you saying, Y/N isn't one?" 

"That's not what I meant John--" 

"We all know that is what you meant. Stop lying like you always do!" John yelled at her. Y/N pushed herself away from the table, wanting to leave as quickly as possible. Paul was too distracted by John's outburst to notice her uncomfortableness. George and Ringo nodded at each other as they made their way to where she was sitting. They guided her out of the room. She had to admit she was a little scared of returning to that room, but the other two didn't seem to want to go back anyway. Paul joined the arguing as they left. The night sky was foreboding and Y/N sat on the grass outside. George and Ringo sat on the opposite sides of you. Things were falling apart again and she didn't know what to do. 

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