Chapter 18

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Y/N sat in the corner of the recording studio with her arms crossed. George had put everyone into a pissy mood again. While John and Paul had sorted out their differences, George decided to make everyone's day a living hell. 

"I think I should get a solo here." He said as everyone rolled their eyes.

"You've said that for every song! You aren't the most important person in this band!" John snapped. 

"And you are?" George sneered. John was ready to choke out George, but Y/N glared at him from across the room. 

"We don't need a solo in this song George, maybe next time--" Paul was cut-off. 

"Next time? Really, next time? How many times have I heard that everybody!" George spread his arms in the air, motioning to an imaginary crowd. 

"George, that is enough!" Paul snapped. 

"So, I'm not enough, huh?" George hissed, almost throwing his guitar of his lap. Ringo dove and caught it as he left his drum set. Storming out of the room, George muttered to himself. 

"If he only would listen." Paul mumbled, standing up and walking over to Ringo's drums. "Ringo, do you mind if I--" 

"Bang away." Ringo said, putting George's guitar in its case. John plugged his ears as Paul angrily hit the drums. Ringo whistled, not minding the loud noise that echoed in the room. He set George's case next to his coat that he had left behind. John began putting his own guitar away as he seemed to be upset himself. Ringo strolled over to Y/N, sitting next to her on the floor. She had her ears plugged as Paul let the drumstick hit the crashing symbols. "Let's get out of here!" Ringo yelled. She nodded as he guided her out of the room. Leaving the room, Ringo grabbed a coin out of his pocket and he began to flip it in the air. 

"I guess I can never escape the craziness of the Beatles." She commented, watching him flip the coin. He chuckled, turning the corner and heading out the front doors. George was sitting on the bench outside the studio, looking around angrily. He held a newspaper in his hand, pretending like he was reading. 

"It's almost impossible." Ringo replied, keeping his distance from George. 

"I feel like a nuisance. Is there anyway I can make everyone happy?" Y/N asked. 

"Now that's impossible." He remarked, sneaking past George into a near by building. You attempted to follow him, but George caught you first. 

"Y/N?" He asked, setting the paper on his lap. She made a nervous smile, looking behind her for Ringo. 

"Hey Georgie!" She smiled. 

"What are you doing out here?" He asked, blushing a bit. Maybe he thought she was here for him. 

"I wanted to check on you." She lied, going over to sit next to him on the bench. 

"Really? You mean it? That's brilliant!" He cheered, giving her a hug. "I was hoping you would...I mean I was hoping someone would come out here." 

"You just stormed out and all..." Y/N murmured. George frowned as he looked at the ground. 

"Sorry about that. I'm just a bit...worked up lately." He said, softly. "I just feel so...left behind." 

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, life goes on! (The Beatles X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now