It had only been a couple of days since Paul had taken Y/N out for lunch. They had plans for a second date, but George had other ideas. The next time Y/N went to watch the Beatles perform he asked her what she would like to do at 2 the next day.
"I don't know, George. A restaurant would be great--"
"Gardening!" George cheered, clapping his hands together.
"Gardening?" She asked, a little confused.
"Exactly!" He chirped, packing up his guitar. John was out in the crowd signing autographs and hitting on the young girls. Paul watched the two chat, but he kept his distance, wanting George to be happy. The two had been friends for a long time and he hoped George would find the right person for him. Since George was the baby brother of the group, he always felt he had to protect him. He was a mother hen protecting his baby chick. To him that saying was weird and he hated it and anyways...Ringo patted George on the back.
"You said she wasn't your bird, Georgie." Ringo laughed, putting his arm around George's shoulder.
"She-She I mean..." Geroge stuttered, his face turning red like his fast-beating heart.
"I think what George meant to say was that he just asked me out." Y/N cut in. Ringo raised an eyebrow at her.
"Seems you got a good one, George," Ringo smirked, looking at Y/N. "She speaks up when you can't!"
"Ringo!" Geroge snapped as their shorter bandmate ran over to Paul. George huffed but looked happily at Y/N.
"Pick me up at 2 tomorrow?" She asked with a grin. He nodded and walked back to the rest of the group. After waving his goodbye to the ladies, John looked at Y/N. John decided to walked up to her.
"How's it going, Y/N." He smirked, as the girls screamed behind him.
"Are both you and Paul using me as a jealousy plea or something?" She asked, with her hands on her hips.
"Maybe. It's fun either way." He laughed, looking at the girls.
"As long as you're own broad isn't getting jealous." She remarked, giving him a sly grin. John's face turned red.
"Who says I have one." He said, crossing his arms. "Does anybody have a fag?" (In Britain they call smokes "fags")
"I do, but you have to earn them," Y/N said.
"George did find a good one now didn't he," John remarked, turning to head towards the band. He was so lively, just like their films and videos suggested. It still was weird to see him this young. Before everything, but this was her job. Stop the Beatles from breaking up. Their early career didn't have much issue, so she could rest easy for awhile.
"I'll see you later." She said, waving as he walked away. She needed to get to know them all. That would be the only save them
The next day, she was prepared for the date. She touched up her hair, put on a little makeup, and a lime green dress. She wasn't going to have her first date all over again. After what felt like an hour, George knocked on the door. Y/N rushed downstairs to greet him. Opening the door she saw the tall man standing in the doorway. He wore an elegant suit and tie, as black as night. His brown hair glistened in the light.

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, life goes on! (The Beatles X Reader)
Storie d'amoreA young girl meets present-day Paul McCartney who sends her back in time to save the Beatles. #1 in the quarrymen 2/7/23 #1 in ringostarrxreader 2/12/23 #1 in gerogeharrisonxreader 2/22/23 #2 in paulmccartney 3/15/23 #1 in paulmccartney 3/16/23 #3 i...