Thank you

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I just wanted to end this by thanking everyone who read this fanfiction (and hopefully enjoyed it). This was a wild ride as this was my first fanfiction that got really any kind of real traction which was pretty terrifying. I'm thankful for the hours that were spent writing this and the hours spent for people who read this. I really appreciate you all and I do hope you stick around for the next one. I never thought a Beatles fanfiction of all things was going to get off the ground like it did and I couldn't have done it without all of you. I really do hope you enjoyed my crazy storytelling and my very amazing mediocre writing skills on my quest to writing my first book.

 I did manage to finish writing it and now it is going through editing so yay! I started writing this fanfiction at the same time I started writing my book and writing this helped me stay motivated through writing a 300+ page novel. Anyways, I won't waste anymore time! Thank you once again for everything and I wish you all well.

My book is called, "The Burlot Hotel" and a free preview will be posted close to the release of the book. 

Also, my friend write fanfiction so I will shamelessly link her account to the end of this.


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