Chapter 11

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"Well, if it isn't John Lennon!" Scott remarked as John walked into the record store. Great, Scott was here. John didn't like Scott very much, and neither did the rest of the band. He was a very rude, blunt, and a manipulative person. John had already seen how Y/N had wrapped herself around his finger. It gave him no comfort knowing Scott was her boss. Sadly, he felt like he was sometimes similar to Scott, but ever since he met the man, he had tried to change his demeanor. He had met Scott less than a year ago when she had invited him to dinner. The entire band had expressed to her their disliking of him, but she said that they didn't know the other side of him. John disagreed with her but understood where she was coming from.

"Hey, Scott." He replied, putting on a fake smile. "I'm here to pick up Y/N."

"She's busy," Scott said, flipping through pages of his magazine.

"She shouldn't be." John frowned, trying to look past Scott to see if Y/N was around.

"Well, she is." Scott replied, ignoring John. His blood boiled with anger.

"May I see her?" John asked, walking towards the front desk.

"I said, she's -"

"John!" Y/N smiled, coming out of the back room. John's face lit up.

"You're alright?" John snuck a glance at Scott.

"Well, of course I'm alright." Y/N looked worriedly at him. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." John replied, grabbing Y/N's hand to drag her away from Scott.

"Woah, calm down, John." Y/N pulled her hand away. "I know we're going out, but you don't need to rush things."

"You should consider her feelings, John!" Scott called, warrenting a nod from Y/N.

"I'm not -"

"You'll learn..." Scott muttered. John's face contourted into a menacing scowl.

"Well, things are getting heated in here. Let's go, John." Y/N started pushing John out the door. He didn't mind, but he wanted to throw a brick at Scott's head. Outside was John's bicycle, which lay on the side of the building.

"Hop on!" He said, patting the seat. Y/N sat on the seat as John stood and pedaled. She held on to him as they road down the streets of Liverpool. They passed shops and apartments that showed brightly in the glistening light of the day. The colors were like coral. It was like they were under the sea. It wasn't a long ride, but John could already feel himself getting tired.

"Who knew John Lennon could ride a bike!" Y/N giggled behind him. John smiled, thinking about Scott. It bothered him more than he liked it to, but he jut couldn't get it out of his mind. 

"Yeah, who knew!" John called back as they rounded a corner down an alley way. Multiple salesman tried to stop them on the way, but nothing interested Y/N. John debated on going back to look at custom guitar picks. He thought they were cool. 

"How far away are we from the date?" Y/N asked, jokily. 

"Not far." John replied with a smirk. "I only prepare the best for those I find well...the best." He chuckled to himself. They turned a couple more corners before the bike came to a halt in front of a museum. 

"A museum?" She asked, hopping off the bike.

"Not just any museum. A music museum." John left his bike on the side of the building. He grabbed Y/N's hand and they dashed into the building. John paid a small entry fee before they entered. Inside there were four sections to explore. Composers, Instruments, musicians, and famous songs. At least, that's what John liked to call them. He had gotten himself a tour guide job at this place a while ago, so he knew a few things about the place already. He led her to the instruments section where perfectly constructed instruments were sealed behind glass casing. John was most interested in the guitars, but Y/N wanted to see the pianos. 

"These are so pretty. I've always dreamed of playing a grand piano." She said to herself, looking over the glossy multi-colored pianos. 

"The piano truly is a marvelous instrument, isn't it?" John remarked, walking up behind her to put a hand on her shoulder. 

"You should play for me sometime." She smiled, walking towards the orchestral section. 

"How about you play instead." John laughed, following her. The place was mostly empty, except for a few people who John had the greatest respect for. People who actually appreciated the true beauty of music. 

"John?" A voice asked. He turned around to see his aunt standing behind him. 

"Hey, Aunt Mimi." John said with a shaky voice. What was she doing here? 

"Who's this?" She asked, looking at Y/N who looked confused. 

"Uh, Aunt Mimi this is Y/N, Y/N this is Aunt Mimi. She's the person who raised me for the past few years." John explained. Aunt Mimi smiled lifting her hand out for a shake. Y/N took it with respect. 

"So, is this your girlfriend?" She asked, letting out a small giggle. John blushed as embarassment grew over him. 

"I wouldn't exactly..." He trailed off, trying to think of the perfect excuse. 

"Yes." Y/N butted in, keeping her composure. 

"Why didn't you tell me, John?" She asked, admiring the young girl. "She's a pretty one and I have a feeling she's also rather bright." 

"She's amazing, I just didn't know how you would act..." John rubbed his neck uncomfortably. 

"What he means is that he didn't know if you could handle how impressed you would be." Y/N continued to act calmly as she covered John's weak act. 

"Well, I'm certainly impressed by your quick thinking." Aunt Mimi complimented, making Y/N blush. 

"Thank you." She replied, quietly. 

"So, when are you coming over for dinner?" The older woman asked, looking at John who was trying to escape moments earlier. 

"Uh, soon. Very soon." He said, still inching away from her. Both Aunt Mimi and Y/N glared at him. Sighing in defeat, John rejoined the pair. 

"How about tomorrow?" Aunt Mimi asked. 

"I can do that." Y/N relied with a smile. 

"Well, then it's settled!" She cheered, clapping her hands together. 

"Wonderful." John muttered, warranting a frown from Y/N. 

"I must be going." Aunt Mimi waved goodbye disappearing behind them. 

"That was quick." Y/N noted, turning to John. 

"She's always busy. The only reason she even came up to us was because of you." He explained, walking towards the orchestral section with Y/N. "Lets get back to the date. Do you play a stringed instrument?"

"I play violin." She replied. 

"Now I need to hear you play that too." He laughed as they continued looking over the many instruments. 

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, life goes on! (The Beatles X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now