40- My First Revenge

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Society was in an uproar once the newspapers spread throughout the kingdom of the treasonous Captain of the Imperial Army and of the nobles who were caught red handed in illegal trade. After my party, I was put to work immediately.

I was teleported between the Academy and the Imperial office, giving my expertise on what items were cursed and what wasn't. I did my best to avoid the Princes, but at some point it was inevitable. I was stuck in a meeting with the two Princes, the two Captains of the Temple Knights and the Northern Knights, the Grand Sorcerer, along with some Parliament members. Surprisingly, the King was in attendance. While he was sick, he still showed up to talk about the new change in his army.

Before this meeting had commenced, I was able to speak with Elric who got out of a long meeting. He looked tired, but still smiled when he saw me. He told me of what will happen for the Imperial Knights. Since the young Count Horla had fought for all three armies and the two Captains vouch for him along with multiple different generals who all support him, the King will raise his status later today so that he will now be a Duke. The King confirmed that the now- Duke Horla will take over as Captain of the Imperial Knights. The trial and execution of Duke Stiling will occur tomorrow morning.

This meeting was in regards on what will happen to the Parliament members who were currently thrown in prison. I was surprised to hear that there were more cursed items that were sold in this underground trading ring. When I looked at Elric, he just shrugged his shoulders, but I can tell he had a slight smile on his lips. This chaotic man must've scoured the black market for more cursed items to get more nobles in trouble. He sure is a scary man when he puts his mind to something

Some workers carefully brought out the supposed 'cursed' items that were bought and confiscated. I confirmed or denied what was cursed and from there, I was walked to the dungeons where I would check on the current prisoners. I was escorted by Prince Adrian, who volunteered because he works for the Ancient Magic department and would 'be of great help', and there were two other guards who were there to protect us.

I looked over the prisoners. No one was happy to see me, but through the bars I was able to see some who were disfigured and some who were just miserable, but not cursed. I did see Marquis Florn who was very angry at seeing me.

"You bitch! You told me to buy her something! I'm in here because of you!" He swore at me, shaking the iron bars of his enclosure.

I stared at him, raised my eyebrows and feigned ignorance, denying anything and everything. My escorts believed me, Adrian yelled at him to not yell at me and our job was done. He continued to yell at me, cursing me as I walked away. There were some other prisoners who joined him, shouting at me and cursing at me. Adrian yelled at them all, and guards ran into the room to calm down the angry prisoners.

I continue forward and follow Adrian's words, telling me to turn left to see Duke Dolan. Apparently he cries out in pain and can't move. As I walk down the quieter hallway, I freeze when I see a crouched figure. I see a young lady with her hands inside the cell and her forehead rests on the bars. I walk closer and I'm surprised to see it's Lady Perks. I recall that her fiancé is Duke Dolan. I am unsure of how she was able to come down here, but I clear my throat.

"Lady Perks," I make her aware of my presence. "I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave so I can look over Duke Dolan."

She looks up at me and gives me a smile. She stands and walks to me, grabbing my hands which surprises me. "Master Solon! Please help him! He's in agony. The curse turned his hands to gold!" She pulls me forward and I look through the prison bars to see the man who once tortured me on the floor grunting with pain.

I let go of her hands and look at the frightened girl. "You have to leave, Lady Perks. I'm conducting an investigation."

"Please tell me you'll save him!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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