Chapter 2

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Raina’s Perspective


            By the time I got home, it was 3:30.  My ‘date’ with Zyan was at 7, so I had awhile before I had to get ready.

            My little brother apparently stayed home sick today, so it was my responsibility to take care of him when I got home.

            “Rrrrrrraaaaaiiinnnn!”  He whined when I walked into the living room, throwing my bag onto the kitchen counter.  “Can you make me ‘ome ‘oup?”  Ew.  His nose was all stuffy.

            “Yes, dearest Bryce.”  I bowed before smacking him lightly in the head.

            Bryce is my sixteen year old ‘little’ brother who acts like he is the king of everything and anything, and that includes me.  But, the only time he is nice is when A) he’s sick or B) he wants something.

            “Can it be chicken noodle?”  He called after he finished a sneeze attack.

            “Yeah.”  I called back, opening the cabinet.  “So, what’s wrong with you?”

            “’tuffy nose, ‘ore throat, and a headache.”  He sniveled, and then dramatically threw himself down onto a pillow.  “And I have a date tonight.”

            “Well, I don’t think you’re going.”  I replied, pouring the soup into the pan on the stove.  “You better call her.”

            “Can you do it for me?”  He pleaded, “I ‘ound terrible.”

            “Fiiiiiiine.”  I groaned, picking up the phone.  I dialed the girl’s number that was next to the phone and told her that: “Bryce is sick and can’t make your date tonight.”

            After she hung up, I took the soup off the stove and put it into a bowl and took it over to Bryce, who was now sitting up with a rag over his face.

            “What on Earth are you doing?”  I laughed, setting the soup bowl down on the coffee table.

            “Mom ‘aid it help’ ‘inus problems.”  He pulled it off of his face and I took a good look at him.

            His long dirty blonde hair was messy and his face was kinda puffy.  His brown eyes were bloodshot and had bags under them.

            “You look terrible.”  I said, walking back over to the kitchen counter.

            “Thank you, Captain Obvious.”  He muttered, picking up the soup. “Where are you going?”  He asked as I started to head up the steps.

            “None of your business, Bryce.”  I stuck my tongue out at him and hurried up the steps to my room.

            After I was safely in my room, I completed what little homework I had before getting ready for my date.

            Just saying I had a date was weird.

            You see, my family moved here at the beginning of my senior year and I never found out exactly where I belong.  My only real friend is Marina Greenfield-whom I met at a summer camp this past year.  Other than that, no one talks to me because I was labeled a ‘freak’.

            The teachers aren’t much better; they ALL hate my guts for no reason.  I do my homework, turn in projects on time, participate in class, and don’t get into a lot of trouble and they STILL hate me.  My life sucks.

Infect Me with Your Love, and Fill Me with Your Poison *EDITING ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now