Chapter 21 (Final Chapter)

666 21 6

          When I first heard about aliens (which was when I was like, five), I always expected to see a classic UFO, aka a flying saucer.

            But, this Transporter wasn’t a saucer at all.  In fact, it looked like one of those… Naboo Royal Starships from Star Wars (don’t ask me how I remember that, because I don’t know).

            “It’s pretty.”  I said in awe.  I was even more excited to get in it from just looking at it.

            “Well, it’s my family’s property.”  Zyan stated smugly, putting a hand on his hip.

            Jedrek emerged from the ship with a huge smile on his face.  “I talked Marina into coming with us.  Oh, and I explained to her about the whole ‘soul mate’ mishap.”

            Marina came rushing out and pretty much tackled me into a hug.  “I’m so excited!  This is so weird!  Like, I never expected any of this and now I get to live through it!  Gah!  Can we leave yet?!”

            “I know, let’s go!”  I shouted, pushing my bags into Jedrek’s arms and running towards the ship with Marina.

            My jaw dropped to the shiny, metallic floor.  The inside of the ship was even prettier… And this was just the entrance hallway!

            Two silver doors lined the bright white walls on either side of me, with little pictures between each space.  “Man, this is nice!”

            “I know!  Ooh, I want to show you where we’re going to sit on our way there!”  She grabbed my hand and led me down the hall.  “Now, was it this door… or that door…?”

            I gave her a look as she pressed a blue button and the door slid open, revealing a pristine room with a few futuristic couches and other furniture in it.  The entire ‘roof’ was a panoramic moon roof that filtered light into the room without it being too bright.  “Wow.”  I was in awe.  I glanced around at the walls, which was covered with screens and monitors and fancy buttons and pictures.

            “Come on!  Let’s just give ourselves the grand tour!”  She dragged me out of the room and I reluctantly went with her.  I felt like I didn’t want to leave that room!

            But the sleeping quarters were even nicer… Instead of the roof being a giant window, the back walls were.  There were three rooms and each room had a double bed and a large dresser (for long trips, I guess).

            Each room was decorated a certain way, which I guessed corresponded with each Zsofka’s taste: Sapphire Blue for Zyan, Lilac for Lilia, and Emerald Green for Jedrek.

            “Well, look at the snoopers here.”  Jedrek smirked, tossing my bags in Zyan’s room before coming down the hall to see us staring in his room.

            “We aren’t snooping,” I retorted, smacking his arm lightly, “since we have no tour guide, we took it upon ourselves to observe this exquisite sight.”

            “I have no clue what you just said, but okay!”  Jedrek’s dimples sunk in so deep, I swear they touched.  “We’re leaving soon, so you better finish your tour.”

            “I guess we don’t need to see the bathroom… But the cockpit was pretty interesting.”  Marina stated.

            Jedrek held in a snort and pushed past us to get into his room.  Before he closed the door, he said: “My cockpit’s interesting, too.”

            Marina and I burst out laughing.

            “What’s so funny?”  Zyan asked as he came down the hallway.  Marina and I just shrugged walked back towards the entrance hallway, still giggling and snorting the entire way.

            The door across from us had a plaque on the door that read: Captain’s Quarters.

          We pressed the button and the door opened.  Vilmos was sitting in his chair with his right hand over his face.

            “Oops, sorry.”  Marina said, grabbing my arm.  “We didn’t know anyone was in here.”

            “Well, the door says ‘Captain’s Quarters’ for a reason.”  He snapped, never turning to look at us.  “Now, get out of here.”

            We obeyed his orders before he smited us or something.

            We took a good look around outside before it was time to go.  We eventually found Zyan, Jedrek, and Lilia back in the lounge-room thing.  Zyan patted the spot on the couch next to him with a smile.

            “Are you ready to go?”  He asked when I sat down close to him.

            I nodded.  “Yeah.”

            Marina sat in an egg-shaped chair next to me and spun around in it.

            “This is so exciting,” she squealed to no one, “I can’t believe any of this.”

            “Neither can I.”  I sighed, resting my head on Zyan’s shoulder.

            “Attention, we shall be departing in thirty seconds,” the overhead speaker came on, “Please feel free to move about, but be careful when the ship’s gravity field is turned on once we leave Earth’s atmosphere.

            This was it.

            I silently counted down in my head.

            30, 29, 28, 27…

            “Do I have to tell you that I’m so happy you came with us?”  Zyan whispered in my ear.

            23, 22, 21, 20… “No.”  I replied.  “I know how you feel.”

            15, 14, 13, 12, 11…

            “Ten seconds!”  Jedrek smiled as he shook his fists in the air excitedly.

            10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2…


            And that was that… We were out in space in about three whole seconds.

            I gazed at the stars that were zooming above our heads.  Marina was doing the same.

            “I never get tired of this.”  Jedrek sighed.  I felt his eyes on me, but I ignored it.

            “It is beautiful.”  Lilia murmured.

            I sighed in contentment.  I closed my eyes for a second, and that’s when something flashed inside my mind:

            Zyan and I kissing next to a crooked tree in front of a pink and purple sky.

The End

I'm proud of myself... This is the first book that I EVER finished :3

Thank you SO much to everyone that has read, voted, commented, or fanned me through this whole book.  If I get a good response... I might just write a sequel...?  Thoughts?  Comments? :)

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