Chapter 33: (The Terrible Wheelers)

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(The Terrible Wheelers)

*October 21st, 1905*

*Land of Ev*

Dorothy was surprised to find herself in this rather strange land which was mostly covered in red which confused her as she began to slowly walk across the strange land.

"Am I in Oz again? This sure doesn't look like Munchkin Country or anything so maybe we're just lost or something.." Dorothy had uttered out to herself in confusion while she picked up Billina and began to start walking until the sounds of Billina's clucking could be heard as they finally began to speak to their owner.

"Now where the heck am I?! I knew I should have stayed on the farm if it meant being swept away into this awful land!" Billina had finally spoken out in a rather annoyed tone of voice as this surprised Dorothy as she let out a yelp of surprise.

"B-Billina?! You could talk?! This means we're in Oz or what seems to be one of its neighboring areas, right?" Dorothy had spoken back to Billina while waiting for a response as the red hen nodded their head in agreement.

"Most likely! I was surprised that I could talk once entering this land since I usually couldn't talk back in Kansas.." Billina had answered back in a rather confused tone of voice while Dorothy nodded her head in understandment.

"Well, at least you could keep me company for the time being until we can find a way to get back home but it's also still pretty late in the night so maybe we should wait until the morning or something" Dorothy had spoken back to Billina as the red hen nodded their small head in agreement.

"You're right, I know you've gotten a good sleep already but that doesn't mean that I have to stay awake for your sake!" Billina had spoken back as this response made Dorothy chuckle in a rather cute way as she spoke to the red hen once more.

"Don't worry, you can sleep while I watch over you cause I usually have trouble falling asleep at times so you won't have to worry about a thing" Dorothy had spoken back to Billina once more while picking the red hen up as she proceeded to walk to the nearest tree and began to gently put Billina down.

"I wonder what the morning shall hold between the two of us..." Billina had spoken out in a rather sleepy tone of voice as she had slowly drifted off to sleep thus leaving Dorothy in her own thoughts.

"I wonder what the morning is gonna hold for us as well but I hope that we can get home so that my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry won't worry again.." Dorothy had whispered quietly to herself as laid back on the branch of the tree for the remainder of the night staring at the stars.


The next morning had arrived as Billina had finally woken up to see Dorothy wide awake washing her face in a nearby pond which surprised her.

"Did you stay up all night or something?! You seem quite energetic at this time of the day?!" Billina had asked Dorothy in a rather curious tone of voice as the young girl nodded her head in confirmation which surprised the red hen.

"Of course, I'm quite a insomniac after all meaning I'm unable to sleep but I also was able to have a good night's sleep for ONCE yesterday but yeah, I was pretty much up all night" Dorothy had answered back while walking back to Billina while also drying her face carefully with her hands.

"Insomniac? You humans are awfully strange with your words and whatnot! But let's find a way to get out of this place so I could get back to my den!" Billina had spoken out in a rather confused tone of voice while feeling herself being picked by Dorothy.

"Well It's just how Humans are but I'm also hungry so maybe we should find some food before we depart from this tree" Dorothy had spoken back to the red hen as Billina simply stared back at her before speaking.

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